"Yikes, how are you still awake?" She asks, looking wide eyed.

"I live with these brothers, and one if them was kind enough to get me a coffee." You definitely had to thank Shin later. "But odds are I'm going to crash hard as soon as I hit a bed." You scowl at nothing.

Silence holds for about three seconds before both of you start giggling.

Eve holds out her hand with a smile. "I'm Yui Komori."

You smile back as you shake her hand. "Nehemia Kígyó, it's nice to meet you."

Eve....Yui, smiled back, "Same. So what grade are you in?"

"I just turned eighteen yesterday. But I'm a junior, late birthday and all. Also my mother homeschooled me until certain....kinks, in my personality were straightened out."


"Oh, I had a horrid temper when I was little, but I'm pretty patient now. And I can tolerate pretty much anything." You giggle at the memory of actually lighting a boy's pants on fire when you caught him in a lie with one of your childhood friends. I wonder how Diana is doing...

"Sounds like a fun childho-"

"Chichinashi!" A voice called from ahead of us, causing us both to look towards it.

Oh, it's one of her vampire guardians. You scowl as you rake your fingers through your hair, meeting the prideful gaze of purebred vampire stalking towards you.

Chichinashi? That's insulting, not all of us can be well endowed.

The young vampire with bright lime green eyes and hair the color of mahogany stalked up to you and Eve, (though he seemed seemed much more focus on Eve.)

"What are you doing? You know the great ore-sama doesn't like to be kept waiting." He crossed his arms and scolded Yui. "Hurry, the others are already at the car."

You giggle despite yourself, it was obvious he had a crush on Yui, but he hasn't seemed to realize it yet.

"Hah?" The vampire glares at you, finally taking you in fully...

And the predator in him seems to recognize the threat you are because he goes very still as he sizes you up.

Sooo, you smirk, he really is a guardian for this little wisp of a girl. How cute...and reassuring.

You knew that to get close to this Yui Komori, you'd have to win the trust of her guardians, or at least convince them that you weren't a threat....to them at least.

So, smirking all the while, you take the tiniest of steps back as you make your posture as harmless as possible. It's hard on your throat, because in your own way, you were a predator, you were dangerous.

Especially now with your true powers unlocked. But you needed to get close enough for this girl....you already had her friendship, and maybe even a tad of her trust, but her vampire guardians were a different story.

This will be quite fun.

This vampire boy in front of you continues to stare at you as he decides whether or not you're a threat, and you continue to stare calmly back.

Then he growls softly and walks over to you, until he's so close you could feel the body heat radiating off of him...it made you uncomfortable, and not because he was standing so close, but because his body heat was unfamiliar....it wasn't Carla's...

You quickly reject that thought as you hold your position. Staring into those lime green orbs coolly.

"Ay-Ayato," Yui stutters timidly, "please, this isn't her fault."

"Be quiet Chichinashi." This vampire...Ayato?, growled, not breaking eye contact with me.

This stare off continues for a good the minutes before Ayato...starts laughing?

"You, I have no idea what you are, but I like it." He grins evily, "I'll find out what you are, minx-chan, the great ore-sama doesn't like mysteries."

"I invite you to try your hardest," You grin laughingly, picking up the challenge he laid down. "If you try hard enough I might just show you." You chuckle, indicating that even if he tries hard, the only way he'll find out what you are is if you tell him.

His eyes grow wide with excitement. "How generous of you."

Translation: Challenge excepted.


Authors note: WHOOOOOOOO I finished it, I'm soo sorry for the hold up guys, things have been crazy at school, and I'll be honest I was feeling a little lazy.

Any who, looks like you're Nehemia Kígyó now, very very cool ;) also yay it's finally happening!!

You're meeting the Sakamaki/ Mukami boys!! I will tell you now that for my convenience, the two families will be living on the same property, but not necessarily the same household.

Thanks so much for being patient my beautifuls, and thanks so much for reading.

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