Tips 21-30 Computer Section

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This book is part of a series of books that go together, written by (@Xerox29), (@PerfectKid), and myself. Please read all the books, for the fun of learning new things and remembering things that you forgot you could do. Here are some easier ways to build, destroy, collect, move, and make items the way you want in the wonderful world of Minecraft. Hope you like the tips we are giving and learn something new.

I will start with Pistons, which almost any minecraft player should know.

21. Pistons can push up to twelve blocks any direction, but no more than twelve blocks can be pushed.

22. If you have a huge pile of sand or gravel and you want to get rid of it quickly, you can use a torch. Break the bottom block of the pile and quickly put a torch underneath it. Sand and gravel are the only blocks affected by gravity, and will fall straight onto the torch. This will break the sand/gravel and you can collect it.

23. If you have a cactus as decoration and you only want it one block high, place down a piece of string on top of the cactus; it will stop it from growing.

24. If you throw items in water that has ice underneath it, the items will go incredibly fast with the current of the water; the ice makes the water flow swift, so items go swiftly through the water.

25. You can not see player names threw chests even when they are not crouching; the perfect hiding spot is behind chests.

26. Shifting won't keep you from falling off a cake; don't try to balance on the edge of a cake, because you will fall off.

27. If you are trying to build an item on a top corner of another item, place down a torch on top of the item that is on the bottom and go on the side of the torch that you are trying to place the corner brick, then when you see a grid around the torch place down the item; it will be in the corner of the other material.

28. When smelting with coal, make and use a coal cube instead of coal; it uses less coal ore to smelt more items.

29. Wooden slabs are not affected by fire, if you are trying to make something that is fire resistant use wooden slabs instead if wooden planks; they will blow up though, but they have a greater blast resistance than wooden planks.

30. Before messing with secret settings be aware that the world could be really, really weird; hills may be curved instead of flat, world may be black and white, there will be without a doubt really weird noise changes, etc. It is pretty hard to find the original settings you started with, which in my opinion is better than any of the secret settings.

I hope you guys liked this part of Minecraft Tips. Please keep up to date with our books when we update, please vote for our books, and I hope you learned something new.

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