Hello California

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*photo of Kelsey up top*

I placed my suitcases down next to the coat rack as I entered the huge house my family lived in. My name is Kelsey Dorome and I'm 20 years old. I'm visiting my family in California because my twin sister Samantha aka Samm is getting married! I'm super exited..

"Kelsey !!!" I herd a familiar voice echo through the house

"Amber!!!" I shouted as my step mother's daughter greeted me with a very tight hug...
Amber is 11 and the daughter of my dad's 2nd wife, Justine. I never really liked Justine and she pretty much only liked my dad and Amber but it dosnt really bother me...

"I haven't seen you for ages" she said as she let me go.

"I know right, now where is everyone?"

"In the living area, follow me!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling towards the living area...

I walked in to see Samm sat on Pattys -groom- lap, my aunt Clara and uncle John stood in the corner, my dad sat next to patty and Samm, Justine behind the caoch fixing ambers dress, my little cousins kayla, Josh and Kia and an incredibly hot male stood in the corner leaning against the wall...

Everyone else is probably in the kitchen..

"Kelsey !!" Samm exclaimed jumping off of patty to give me a tight ass hug...jesus. I've known patty for ages, him and Samm are child hood sweethearts...

Everyone else greeted me with a hug and hellos and shit...Justine giving me a small hand shake... until I became face to face with the incredibly hot mystery man...

His dark hair swept to the left as his dark chocolate brown eyes pierced through my dark green ones..

"Hi I'm Kenneth but you can just call me Nixon, everyone does..." he smiled, his accent seaping through his words...

He gave me his hand to shake as everyone got on with there own conversations

"Kelsey " I said shaking it

"Nice name you got there" he said...hot guy likes my name! Hot guy likes my name!

"You too, I've never really liked my name but I'm glad someone does" I smiled

He was just abouts to say something when grandma Pam shouted that lunch was ready....she's like 95 and looks 60....I hope that runs in the family...

"Great, I'm starved" he chuckled before taking my hand as we walked into the dining room.....hot guy has my hand! Hot guy has my hand!

We walked in to see two large dining tables covered in different types of foods...yummy

We let go of each other's hands and wandered round to check for the names on the seats...snazzy

I found mine and sat down opposite Samm, Patty, Nixon, and my oldest cousins boyfriend Matt.
I checked the label next to me which said Lacey our oldest cousin and quickly swapped hers with Nixon's...hehehe. I scaned the room for him and he was stood reading the lables on the second table. Our eyes met and i motioned for him to come over.

"Yes?" He chuckled

"You sit right here" I said patting the seat nexted to me

He chuckled shaking his head and sat down as we all began to tuck in..

Nixon's POV:

I stood in the corner talking to Patty and Samm when Samm jumped off of his lap..

"Kelsey !" She exclaimed

I looked over to see her squeezing the life out of probably the most beautiful creature I've ever seen..

She let her go as her long chestnut Brown curly locks of hair fell around her lightly freckled pale face..

She greeted everyone with hugs and hellos and lightly shook hands with Justine before coming face to face with me
Her beautiful features hit me like a whirl wind and I just wanted to kiss her...

"Hi I'm Kenneth but you can just call me Nixon, everyone does" I smiled putting my hand out for her to shake, I didn't want to freak her out by giving her a hug....

"Kelsey " she smiled gladly shaking it..beautiful name..

"Nice name you got there" I complimented

"You too, I've never really liked my name but I'm glad someone does" she smiled looking down a bit..how can she not like her name?

I opened my mouth to say something when a woman who looked about 60 shouted food was ready...

My hunger hit me and I felt like I hadn't eaten in weeks...

"Great, I'm starved" I chuckled grabbing her hand automatically...what has gotten into me. She didn't restrict and I smiled to myself...

We let go of each other and wondered round looking for the lable that said our name on it, I mentally wished I was sat next to her. I glanced over to where Kelsey was and watched her quickly swap tables as I chuckled to myself...she's so fucking adorable..

Her head shot up and i quickly looked down pretending to read the names on the table before we made eye contact....

She motioned for me to walk over and I obeyed..

"Yes?" I chuckled

"You sit right here" she said patting the seat nexted to her...she swapped them for me? fuck yes!

I chuckled shaking my head as I sat down before we all started to tuck in....

The Promise - A Kenneth Nixon FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin