Chapter 5 Shopping trip

Start from the beginning

When I came out in the last dress (the picture on the right I know it’s not Gucci but go with it) his eyes traced my body checking out my curves making my heart jump and dance inside my chest. “Alright then you two we have to meet Jasmine and Chelsea to pay for everything so go get changed back into what you were wearing before” Heidi’s voice rang out, I did as she asked then went and found my little sister and Chelsea paid for both mine and Jazz’s clothes.

“All right you two lets go we have yet to go to Prada and we still need shoes” Chelsea said excitedly. To my surprise it was right next to the Gucci store, Chelsea and Heidi hurried us into Prada followed by Alec who was starting to look slightly bored. Chelsea and Heidi got us both two baskets one for the shoes and the other for clothes. This time we picked the clothes out together with the girls and Alec.

This is what Chelsea picked for Jasmine,, , , , and

Heidi picked these out for me,,,,  and

These are the shoes that Chelsea and Heidi found for us to try on and buy we only had like 4 pairs they told us we would get more at the Chanel store. Chelsea got these for Jasmine,,,

Heidi got me these , , ,'s%20Flat%20Shoes.jpg ,

“We will pay for these then head on to the next store then back to the castle” Heidi instructed as she headed over to the checkout while we all waited by the rack of handbags. I looked over at poor Alec who was looking slightly fed up “hey Alec are you okay” I queried trying to not stutter “I’m fine just getting a little bored is all” he replied.

Heidi came back over to us adding another three shopping bags and handing two of them to Alec who looked a bit peeved, “Don’t you look at me like that Alec if we all carry the bags for Jasmine and Ellena it will look more normal” She told him Chelsea had notified us that the Chanel store was only a mile away.

Chanel didn’t have anything that we could put our items in this time so Chelsea and Heidi would have to carry the clothes and shoes. “Alright you two sit down there while we get the clothes” Chelsea and Heidi said unison “Oh Alec can you sit with them while we pick the clothes and shoes please” Chelsea asked him he nodded in obedience.

They came back with these for me , ,,L.jpg and .

For Jasmine they bought these , ,

“Alright you two go and see if they fit and when you are done hand them to me and Heidi then go and wait outside with Alec while we pay alright” Chelsea instructed, we did as asked we went to the changing rooms.

Alec POV

Everything Ellena has tried on has either being sexy or absolutely beautiful on her. I thought that if I wasn’t such mature vampire I wouldn’t be able to resist the appetising sweet smell coming from my blood singer, if I did bite her now I couldn’t imagine the punishment Aro would have for me if I succumbed to the temptation of  la tua cantante.

Having been a vampire for 2000 years I had developed resistance to human blood. Over the past two millennia of being a Volturi we had to dispose those who had killed their blood singer giving in to the overly pleasant aroma of their blood singers because the taste satisfied them so much. For that very reason I’m grateful that I have such self-control around in case her blood was to sustaining to my thirst.

The girls finally emerged from their dressing rooms and I found myself gazing at Ellena’s beauty when she caught me I heard heart stammer before she walked away with her sister to give the clothes to Chelsea and Heidi to but the clothes, I smirked to myself after hearing it again.

Now I’m glad Aro got me to come along and of course Marcus could tell from his gift that I finally found my mate even if she was human but she wouldn’t be for long then we could spend an eternity together.


After Heidi and Chelsea left with Ellena and Jasmine I noticed that Marcus put his hand in Aro’s giving him a glimpse into his thoughts. He got up from his throne and came up to me “Alec after reading Marcus’s mind it appears that you and young Ellena are mates maybe a week or so after they have both been changed you can decide on if you want to propose to her” He informed.

I gulped back the remaining of venom built up from being around Ellena “I had suspected that master as soon as I met her, she is my blood singer and I would love to propose to her” I revealed to Aro “Alec I want you to accompany them to the shopping centre in the outskirts of Volterra I want to test you to see if you have enough self-control to avoid the temptation of being around your blood singer before she is changed” I nodded in agreement and I took off in vampire speed to the garage for the car to meet the girls at the front door.

End of flashback

I had clearly passed Aro’s test.

Ellena POV

When we came out gave Chelsea and Heidi the clothes while they went the checkout desk and waited outside the store as we were told.

We hadn’t realised it was passed three in the afternoon, Chelsea and Heidi realised how tired and hungry me and Jazzy, not to mention Alec was growing exceedingly jaded by the shopping so after we paid for the clothes we headed to the stairs leading to the underground parking lot to the car and heading back to the Volturi castle.   

On the ride back I had trouble avoiding looking in the rear view mirror that held Alec’s red eyes as drove us back, each time I did my legs would weaken, butterflies were getting stronger and my heart would stutter my feelings were getting stronger was this just a huge crush or more. Chelsea and Heidi kept smirking at me luckily we were back before it got annoying.

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