Chapter Four - Never Entered My Mind

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Ellena’s POV

We all left the airport in Volterra and got into an awaiting car that drove us to an extraordinary castle. We got out and open these gigantic arched doors, Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri lead Jasmine and I to what looked like a really big gorgeous room with three thrones that seated men who I’m guessing are vampire as well. I trust the mission went according to plan and I see you have brought some friends” The dark haired man said gleefully, he introduced himself as Aro and the blonde and brunette as Caius and Marcus. 

Aro gestured Jasmine and I to go to him and explained that they were the Volturi.  Aro explained they were they closest thing the vampires had to royalty and that they enforced laws to keep the existence of their kind hidden from humans and what would happen when vampire broke those laws. He also said that some of their coven had special gifts and his gift was that he could read every thought and memory you ever had with one touch. “Give me your hand please young one I would like to know why they have brought the two of you and about your life” Aro requested and I did so. 

His eyes had a faraway look to them has he read my every memory, my every thought. He let go of my hand and gave me a sympathetic look then glancing between Alec and myself. “I can see why Jane brought you here Jasmine and Ellena, I will let you both stay and we will have to transform you both into vampires in order for you to stay and be a part of a family who won’t harm you in anyway shape or form but let me see your arm please Ellena” he insisted softly.

I’ll gladly be a vampire if I’ll be a part of a family who won’t treat me as my father did, oh crap he found out about the cutting too late now, guess I’ll have to. Aro gasped as he lifted up my sleeve showing scars from the other night “I can understand because I have seen your thoughts but I want you to not self – harm anymore please” Aro said I nodded agreeing that I’d stop cutting myself forever literally because I’d soon be immortal.

I had forgotten that my 15 year old sister Jasmine was standing right beside me. I noticed her gaping wide eyed at my arm with a saddened expression and tears in her eyes. “Why did you keep this from me, I’m your sister we tell one another everything” Jasmine scolded me disappointed with my dangerous actions. I sighed “I’m so sorry Jazzy I didn’t mean to hide this from you, it seemed to help me deal with Dad and the bullying” I explained apologetically giving her the pout that made her cave in a New York minute. “Fine I forgive you” she groaned in defeat shaking her head “stupid pout” she mumbled.

“Chelsea please accompany Jasmine to her room and Heidi do the same for Ellena would you, then take the two shopping for clothes “requested Aro kindly. We followed the two ladies out the big doors and down a high and vast elegant  hallway, Heidi lead me to my room first and I’m guessing Chelsea lead Jazzy to hers then we met by the front door.  

As we stepped into the streets of Volterra Chelsea and Heidi raised the hoods of their black capes as we stepped into the rays of blazing sun. “Come Jasmine and Ellena” Chelsea and Heidi said in unison seeming slightly rehearsed a red Honda pulled up in front. The window rolled down to reveal the charming Alec “Hello ladies hop in” Alec said we all got in the car that would take us to the Mall, me, Jazzy and Heidi got in the back with Chelsea. Alec turned to the back of the car winking at me cutely, my cheeks to turn a beetroot colour and my legs started to quiver luckily I’m sitting down , I’m not sure what is happening to me but I like it a lot.

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