Jacky Boy To The Rescue!

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Chapter One

Nicole's POV

Before I knew it, Rayne was soaking wet with ice cold water. Rayne fainted, and I caught her right before her she hit the ground. Her whole body was shaking uncontrollably, almost making me panic. Almost.

I looked to my right, sighing in relief as I saw someone passing by. I knew exactly who it was. That black hoodie and blue backpack is something I love too much to forget. I don't know why but, those are like the things that makes my day complete. They're like the cherries to my little cupcakes! Stop it Nicole! Clinic first, Lala Land later!, I mentally scolded myself.

"J-Jack!", I called out. He quickly perked up and rushed towards me. "What happened?", he asked in his wonderful voice that I could listen to all day long. "R-Rayne fainten and-and then I started panicking a-and-" "Calm down. Everything will be alright. Okay?", he assured me, cutting me off. I nodded. He then carried Rayne and started walking towards the Clinic.

I opened the door so Jack could bring Rayne inside. He lay down Rayne on the medical bed, and I suddenly hear the nurse said, "Oh God". "So Nicole, what happened this time?", the nurse asked. "She got splashed by ice cold water", I said, still a bit shaky about what happened. She checked Rayne's temperature, then said, "She'll be fine. She just need to rest". I sighed in relief when she said that. It was way better than last time. "You two should go back to your classes. I'll take care of her", she suggested. "N-No, I'll stay here", I said. "If you insist", the nurse said. Then the two of us turned our attention to Jack. "I'll stay", he said, sitting down on one of the chairs around the clinic. The nurse sighed. "Is he your boyfriend?", the nurse suddenly asked, making me choke on my own saliva. I shook my head, earning a laugh from the nurse. "Alright, alright. I just need to do something, okay? I'll be back. No funny business!", she said then walked out of the Clinic. What a wonderful morning!

I sat down on a chair close to the medical bed, which is just a seat away from Jack. I glanced at him, making him glance back. I quickly looked away, pretending that I wasn't looking at him. I gave him another glance, seeing that he was gazing at me at the moment. How I wish I could tell what's he's thinking...

Jack's POV

I quickly looked away once I realized that Nicole was looking at me. Oh God I looked like an idiot. Why can't I just tell her how I feel instead of making her notice me in any way possible? I bet I still looked like an idiot right now.

I started to feel hot, so I decided to take off my black hoodie. When I did, I noticed that Nicole was looking at me, a blush creeping up her face. I started to blush too, then I asked, "W-What?". "N-Nothing", she stammered in that beautiful voice of hers. I smiled to myself and put my black hoodie into my blue backpack.

There was an awkward silence between us, so I broke the silence by clearing my throat. Nicole hummed in question. "Hey, uh, do you-", I was cut off by a sneeze. Nicole immediately stood up and rushed to Rayne's side. I can't believe I forgot that she's the reason why we're in the clinic!

"Why aren't you in class?", Rayne asked. "Don't mind it. So, 'you feeling better now?", Nicole asked. I walked to Nicole's side, but making sure I was a little far from her. Rayne shifted her gaze from Nicole to me, and I almost feared that she'll say something... weird.

She suddenly groaned and said, "Oh, my dear best friend, I am in serious need of romance! Do you mind-" "No!", Nicole said, interrupting Rayne, while blushing madly.

I chuckled, then I heard the door open and close again. "Rayne! How are you feeling?", the nurse asked. "A lot better now. Are you sure that this so-called 'disease' of mine can't be healed?", Rayne asked. "No, I'm afraid not. Now, you three better go back to your classes before you miss out on more lessons", the nurse said. I nodded, then got out of the Clinic. I waited for them by the door, but only Rayne went outside.

"So...", Rayne started. "So..?", I asked. "So how are you two? Have you asked her yet?", she asked in a whisper. "No! I was about to when you took the perfect moment to sneeze", I whispered back. "Oh, sorry then", she said. "But still!", she exclaimed. "What?", Is asked. "You need to have the guts to ask her out!", she said. "I do have the guts!", I said. She made a tsking sound. "You have no idea...", she murmured. "What was that?", I asked. "Nothing", she said. I heard the Clinic door open, then I suddenly saw Nicole walking towards us. "What took you so long?", I asked. "I just talked to the nurse about... something", she said. There was a silence between the three of us, and it was a pretty awkward one. "So, let's go?", Rayne asked. Nicole and I nodded, then started walking towards our classes.


Hey guys! This is my very first teen fiction story so... forgive me if you think its lame...
By the way... you're gonna meet two new people in the next episode! :D

Good day guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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