Chapter 1

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MONDAY - February 14, 1977

"Sarah?" The nurse held the door open and looked into the waiting room, expectantly. Sarah planted her feet squarely, and with a heave, lifted herself out of the plastic chair.

The nurse led her down the hall, chatting companionably as she waved her into the first room on the left. "You're looking good. I see you're moving a little slower than last time."

Sarah rubbed her belly and sighed. "It's getting harder to get out of a chair, that's for sure."

"Well, only a couple more weeks." The nurse eyed Sarah's round belly. "Maybe less?"

"Less would be nice." Sarah set her coat and purse on a chair and stepped out of her shoes. She stood on the scales and waited while her weight was recorded.

"They always say the first baby could come two weeks before or two weeks after your due date." The nurse slipped her chart into the pocket on the door. "Don't worry, it will happen whenever that little one decides that it's ready. You know the drill, everything from the waist down comes off. Just hop up on the table, the doctor will be in soon." The nurse winked as she made to leave the room. "You're getting our new doctor today, Dr. Varese."

Sarah held onto the table as she slipped one leg then the other out of her maternity jeans, then repeated the motion as she slid off her bikini underwear. She absolutely refused to wear maternity underwear, she had no problem with letting her belly hang over her bikinis. Nobody, except her mother, saw her pregnant body.

She sat on the exam table, leaning back on her hands and kicking her feet, and let her mind wander to the same place it had been lately. Should she tell Sam about the baby? He was married to Gisette, there was no way she wanted to go to him as the pregnant ex-girlfriend. Especially when his new wife was also pregnant. Had Gisette had her baby yet? Did Sam have a son or a daughter? How would he handle having two babies to two different women? That thought was the one that always tripped her up. He freaked out when he found out Gisette was pregnant, trying to handle it on his own, and keeping it from her. Sarah shook her head and exhaled in frustration. If he knew that she was pregnant also, it would probably send him over the edge. And then there was the possibility, however slight, but still there, that he might want visiting rights and she couldn't even imagine leaving her child with Gisette, the french bitch!   

Her back was aching and she was getting tired of sitting. The doctor was taking forever to get here. She gingerly stepped off the exam table and held the paper sheet around her as she tried to walk to relieve the ache. She cussed under her breath and tried to hold the sheet up as she bent over to pick up her underwear that had fallen on the floor.

Sarah felt the breeze as the door opened and knew that the new doctor had just had full view of her ass when he walked in the door. She turned around, her panties in her hand, and felt herself falling forward, her pregnant belly propelling her down.

"Whoa! Here, I've got you!" The doctor jumped at her, catching her under her arms and helping her to stand against the exam table. He lifted her up as if she weighed much less than she did, sitting her on the table.

She held her hands over her lap and looked down at the sheet on the floor and he muttered an oath, reaching for a new one from the counter, and helping her to tuck it in around her legs.

Leaning down to look into her face, he asked. "Are you alright? Were you feeling faint or dizzy?" He tipped her chin up and stared into her eyes. "Your pupils look good."

Sarah shook her head. "Uh-h no, I mean, yeah, I'm okay, I was just bending over. My balance has been way off, lately."

The doctor nodded. "Well, I guess I can understand that." He walked over to the sink and washed his hands. "My name is Dr. Varese. I will be your doctor now, unless you would prefer Dr. Baker."

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