"Ow!" I whispered. I took my hand off of her mouth. I shook my hand. Man that girl has some sharp teeth! I looked over to her and she blushed. I smirked.

"Come on! I want to see more!" she whispered. I nodded. We were walking closer to the unusual couple, when we bumped into something. But nothing was there. Or rather, no one was there. I reached my hand out and grabbed what I knew to be the Invisible Cloak. But it wasn't who I expected it to be.

"Hermione?" Ari whispered confused. She looked to what I was holding in my hand.

"What's that?" She pointed to the Invisible Cloak. "Wait, what are you doing here Hermione?! Wait! What is going on?!" she whispered confused. I was the first one to answer.

"Well, this is Harry's Invisibility Cloak, which I'm not sure why Hermione has in her possesion." I told her. I looked over to the younger version of Ari, with frizzy hair, different eyes and shorter. Well, sort of shorter. Ari's ridiculously short.

"Yeah, what are you doing here Hermione?" I asked her crossing my arms. Hermione's eyes widened and she twitched.

"I, uh...um, well," she sighed. "I was going to get some ingredients from the Forbidden Forest for an aging potion, so then I can enter in the Tri Wizard Tournament." Hermione confessed, staring away from us for most of the conversation. We gawked at her.

"Are you sure you are Hermione Granger?" Fred asked her surprised. She glared at us.

"Well, I'm sure you and George were probably thinking it too, and were going to ask Ariana to help you!" she pointed and accusing finger at me. My eyes widened.

"I was not goi-"

"Wait. I think someone is hiding behind that tree over there." Ari told us pointing to an oak tree just across the water. Hermione and I  stopped and looked over to the tree.

"Ana, no one's there." Hermione told Ari calmly.

"Yeah, but I can just feel it." Ari told us seriously.

"Look! They're gone!" I said pointing to where George and Violet once were.

"Yes, but I think someone is coming!" Ari told us walking further away from the Black Lake. We followed, unsure what was going on. Suddenly, there was a rustling noise coming from the tree. The night was so silent, that you could hear anything and everything. And yet, George and Violet didn't hear our incessant whispering. I shook my head of the thought and continued to back away. Suddenly something, or rather someone appeared from the tree. We stood there in silence until finally the person disapparated from the tree and reappeared several metres away, where another person was standing. Thankfully, the moonlight was shining right where they were standing. The person who was hiding in the tree was a man. A man who looked strangely familiar. The other was a man as well. They nodded to each other then rolled up their left sleeves. They spoke for several minutes before disapparating off of school grounds. There was one thing we now knew.

"Deatheaters have invaded school grounds." Hermione said sullenly. Her forehead creased and she started to hyperventilate.

"Deatheaters have invaded school grounds! Deatheaters have invaded school grounds!" Hermione chanted nevously. Ari put a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"H, it's okay. At least for now, we can tell Professor Dumbledore and he can do something." Ari reasurred her.

"But what would happen to the Tri Wizard Tournament? We can't cancel now that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are coming as well!" I told Ari realistically. She sighed.

"I know, I know! So, I guess for now, we have to keep this between the three of us." Ari looked at us reasurringly. "You both have to swear that we won't tell anyone. Not George, Fred." I nodded.

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }Where stories live. Discover now