The Pure and Simple Truth (Part II)

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Everyone had assembled. They all sat round the table, faces sober and grave, looking at the man seated at the head. He also looked grave, weighted down by a heavy burden. He had been sitting there for sometime, head bowed, hands clasped, looking very old and sad. No one thought to break his suptor, no one wanted to risk his wrath.

And then finally, his head raised, and hands unclasped.

"I have a son." Said a very low voice, dripping with grief.

The shock that permeated the room was tangible. You could pluck out of the air if you wanted to.

A son? How?

That was the question revolving through the every man's head, making itself known on their faces.

Still no one spoke.

"Yes, I know you are all surprised. But the truth is, I was shocked as well. For I did not know of this son until very recently. And I will tell you the story of how he came about soon. But first, I must give a warning." His cunning eyes rested on each individual man, assessing them, sizing them up, like an adder waiting for them to twitch so he could strike. "Should this information leave the room. If anything that has been said here is found elsewhere, hell will be an oasis when I am finished with you."

The Steward let that sit. Let it simmer. He wanted them to ruminate on that because he knew they would be aching to reveal this secret. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he surveyed the faces filled with nervousness and fear. He was glad he could still command that sort of reaction out these men. Lately he had begun to think they were growing to bold. It was time to bring some respect back into the palace. And he would start right now.

"Years ago, aproximately seven, I was in a very bad place. My late wife had failed to bear me an heir, a son, that would succeed me. I was of course heartbroken at her passing as well, and there was no consolation of a child." He voice took on a heavy, depressed, quality, "It was in those days that I turned to some...unsavory company. But in all of my trysts, there was one woman that I held above the others. I thought she was different. I was young and foolish. For she was cunning. She became pregnant but she did not tell me of it. My condition of grief and despair stabilized and I began to get back to my normal self, all the while not knowing that I had a child. A son."

He paused to watch their reactions. Shock, horror, elation (over what he could not tell), it was all there. He smiled inwardly and continued.
"It was only about three months ago that she contacted me, saying that she had something important of mine. Naturally I had it investigated and was shocked to find that the something was in fact a someone. I was furious. For a number of reasons. Reasons that we will not go into know, for there is little time. But the most important thing to know is that I have an heir. He will need training, lots of it. After all, God knows where he's been living and what influences he has come under."
He paused again, waiting. He wanted them to ask. He wanted them to come to him.

A voice cleared as someone from the far end of the table found courage to speak.
"Where is the boy, my lord?" It was asked in such a timid manner that it was obvious that he didn't want to anger the Steward.

There it is. He smiled inwardly.

"Well as I'm sure you all can I imagine, being raised in the company of a harlot did not have a good affect on his education. He needs to be trained up in the ways of the court. To that end I have entrusted him to Lord Barns who has graciously offered to teach the boy all he needs to know. He has one year to learn all that he needs to function easily here and then I will present him to the kingdom. Until then he remains with Lord Barnes. Does that answer your question, Lord Rupert?"

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