Chapter 19

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Alexandria looked around the crowd of people, her eyes landing on a certain blue head of hair.

"Geez, captain," She glared, "I really feel the love." Alexandria rolled her eyes, "And how many times do I have to tell you to take those glasses off." Alexandria hesitated before taking her sunglasses off, shoving it into her bag. "You know there's a battle surrounding us, right?" Alexandria nodded, turning with a sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, Charisma." She dismissed the blue haired girl half heartedly.

Alexandria swiftly pulled her nunchucks out from hiding, her bag falling to the ground. The girl now known as Charisma stood at her right. "I wanted to leave this island without fighting," Alexandria ignored her friends complaints.

"Length, scold!" Alexandria exclaimed, thrusting her nunchucks towards the soldiers. With a sigh, Charisma flipped her hair.

She held up one hand, a smug look on her face. "Disappear," With that, the girl vanished. Soon after that, some of the soldiers began bursting out in laughter. "T-that tickles!" One cried, "Stop tickling me!" Another commanded.

Just as Alexandria was about to strike down another section of the soldiers, jumping as someone whispered in her ear. "What's Trafalgar doing?" She recognized the voice as Charisma's, and immediately looked around for the man.

She spotted him in front of the giant, who had been sitting outside of the auction hall. His collar was on the floor while he rubbed his neck.

Alexandria looked around, noticing the heart pirates began following Kidd. She exchanged a hesitant glance with Charisma, who had just became visible again. "I'm following you," She said, shrugging. Alexandria walked over to the bottom half of her bag, securing her nunchucks in it. With a small shake of her head, Alexandria chased after the group, only barely making it before the giant they freed destroyed the bridge.

The crew looked at both the girls uncertainly, though no one commented on her appearance. Alexandria jogged next to Penguin, who kept glancing over at her.

"Captain! Look at that!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by Shachi, who was pointing ahead. Alexandria caught sight of Kidd, who seemed to be fighting someone.

Alexandria gasped, Charisma staring wide eyed as well. "That isn't who I think it is..." Alexandria nodded, "I'm certain, it's Bartholomew Kuma." The blue haired girl gasped, standing in front of Alexandria protectively. "Why on earth would one of the seven warlords be here?" Alexandria felt like her heart could stop at any moment.

"Trafalgar Law and Willowe Alexandria." The man looked up, reciting the two captain's names. "So, you know my name?" Law twirled his Nodachi, holding it in a protective stance. Once the warlord sucked in a breath, the insides of his mouth turning yellow, she quickly dodged out of the way, Law and Charisma doing the same. Where they last stood consisted of nothing more than smoking dirt.

"This guy isn't gonna let us pass, is he? Trafalgar, you're in my way!" The three walked out from the smoke, facing Kidd. "You want me to kill you? I told you not to order me around, didn't I?" He moved his Nodachi off of his shoulder, "I'm running into a lot of big shots today... I don't want to meet an admiral on top of all this, so..." He put his hand out, blue energy spinning underneath it, "I shall make you let us pass, Bartholomew Kuma!"

Good Meets Bad ~ One Piece Law X OC ~ DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora