Life in the blink of an eye

Start from the beginning

"It's getting pretty late, I'll go get Zach on the car." Jacob kisses Maddie and picks up Zach after I give him a hug and kiss his forehead.

"I love you my little trouble maker." I say as I hug him.

"I love you grandpa." He says slowly and let him go to his dad. Jacob pats my shoulder and I out a hand on his hand. "Night dad."

I nod and watch as him and Zach leave.

"Daddy..." Maddie says slowly and I look at her.

"Yes baby girl?" I give the most energetic smile I can even though I'm so tired.

My fingers cold and feet numb.

"I'll see you tomorrow right? At this time?" She asks, I reach out and touch her cheek. She leans her head in my hand and I look at my beautiful baby girl all grown and being a mother. She has asked me this question ever sense I was admitted into the hospital a month ago.

"Sweat heart.... You don't need to be scared." I whisper to her. Her eyes brim with tears and I move my thumb to brush a tear away.

"But what do I do if your not here?" She barely gets out.

"Oh sweat heart. I'll always be here." I point to her heart, "daddy will always be there. No matter what time of day or how many years pass."

She stands up and hug me and I hug her back the best I can with all the tubes and needles in me. "I love you daddy." She sobs.

"I love you too sweet girl."

"Please don't go anywhere when I'm not here." She pulls back to look at me and she wipes her eyes with the back of her hands.

"I don't think it works like that." I laugh, which turns in to a cough.

She looks at me with tears streaming down her face, her bottom lip trembling.

"Oh baby, don't look at me like that. I'll be with your mother again. We will always be with you." I reach out and kiss her hand.

"Daddy.." She tries to get out but it's mostly sobs.

"Shhh. I'm still here." I say leaning my head back on the pillow. Maddie kisses my forehead and hugs me again, which I try to return.

"Oh. Excuse me miss, but visiting hours are over." A different nurse walks by and pokes her head in.

"Oh umm. Ok." Maddie turns and nods while wiping her soaked cheeks.

"Go on baby girl. I love you." I say as she grabs her bag, though she unwilling walks to the door.

"I love you daddy." She says again trying not to break down all over again.

She turns and leaves as the nurse stands there impatiently.

"I love you Maddie." I say in a whisper hearing her footsteps echo down the hall.

I let my eyes close after another nurse comes in and takes the jello and garbage away. The lights low in my room and the only sound is my heart monitor machine. Things quite and peaceful, but dull and cold.

The blackness soon turns into a big field of tall grass and I stand there with my arms up, like I'm flying. As I look at my hand, they aren't wrinkly or dotted. I'm my young self. In my prime.

"Look at you stud." I turn around to see Abbie in a white sun dress that hangs just above her knees. Her hair in long, dark curls. Her crystal blue eyes twinkling with happiness. Her slightly pink lips in a her signature smirk.

"Abbie." I breath. She nods and we both run into each other's arms. I tangle my fingers in her soft as silk hair, I tightly hold her body to mine and I nuzzle my face in her neck cherishing the feeling of her in my arms.

"I love you." I breath.

"I love you too." She says with an oblivious smile on her face.

Leaning back I look into her eyes and I so badly want to kiss her. To feel those lips I've been craving for years now.

"It's ok baby, let go. Just let go." She whispers to me.

"But Maddie..." I whisper back.

"Honey you've taken her as far as you can. You've been strong for so long. Almost too long. It's ok to let go now." Abbie smiles at me and I think about this.

"She will be ok?" I lean my forehead on my loves and for the first time in a long time I feel whole again.

"She will be more than ok. We will make sure of that." I lean in and kiss my love. My angel. My other half and everything is perfect.

I'm whole again after so many years of being broken. Of being wrong on my own.

"Let go baby." Abbie whispers to me again.

I take in a deep breath and I have everything flash before my eyes. All the happiness, all the pain, all the loneliness, and all the times I was scared. In my exhale, I feel like I stout wings and my love is right here to hold my hand and be with me forever. Becoming stars right next to each other in the sky. For our little girl to see when she needs us.

Because we will always be here for her.

The end.

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