Train Ride To Hell

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Ten minutes later the peacekeeper walked in and escorted me to the train with Anthony. After getting past everyone and into the train, the train started to move. I looked around and it was really nice in this car, a little too nice. I scoffed and sat in one of the fancy chairs.
"Do you see this?" He asked guesturing to the table covered with so much food. I nodded. "This is total poop." He said. "There are people starving in 12 and theres this. They could give food out and still have enough." He said pacing back and forth in the small train car.
"Calm down your gonna have a heart attack." I joked, trying to get him to calm down.
"Don't you dare try that on me now." He warned.
"What?" I asked.
"You know what." He said.
I smiled. "Well i mean we shouldn't be having panick attacks right now. I mean we are going into the hunger games." I said feeling bad for bringing it back up.
"You are really bad at changing conversation topics." He replied.
I nodded slowly. "I know." I said back.
"Well where can we find Haymich?" Anthony asked and I shrugged. Then a blonde guy walked into the car holding a drink.
"You must be Haymich?" I asked snarkily.
"Yes and what do you need to ask since it seems you asked my name to ask me a question." Haymich replied.
"Oh nothing but my best friend was asking where we could find Haymich and I just thought i'd ask your name so I could tell Anthony that I found you. Oh yea." I trailed off. "Anthony I found Haymich." I said to Anthony who rolled his eyes. I smiled.
"Well since I found you." Anthony started but I cleared my throat. "Since we..." Hes started once again, and I looked up at him. "Since she found you, could you please tell us where our rooms are?" Anthony asked?
Haymich laughed and then started walking so we followed, well Anthony followed until he realized I wasn't and he dragged me along. Haymich showed Anthony to his room for one day and then my room.
I walked into my room and looked around. I walked over to the closet and took a look inside. I found some outifts that seemed pleasing and I shrugged as I threw them on the bed in the corner.


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