Tears Come First ~ Chapter 45

Start from the beginning

"Pssst... Emma come here." I looked around for the voice calling out. Spotting Caitlyn farther back in the woods my mouth dropped. How?

I turned around to run back to her when I heard shots I kept running until I felt a burning sensation in my upper back. My eyes went wide as I saw Caitlyn rush to me. I opened my mouth to speak but blood came out. I fell to the ground beneath me.

"Emma! Oh My God! Emma look at me...you're going to be okay. You have to be okay." I could see the tears in her eyes. The sound of footsteps coming close was soon pushed away as I fell into a dark sleep.

Caitlyn POV (Starts when Tyler comes and gets Emma from the cell)

How could he do this? My own brother is a monster. I hate him! How could he say all those horrible things and think he has done nothing wrong? Now he's going to kill Emma? Like hell I'll let him touch her. I wanna kick Stacy's ass whenever I get the chance. Sitting back on my cot I notice something. The idiot left the cell door open.

At least this spell didn't give my brother any brains. Lord knows he needs some. I walk swiftly over to the door and peeked out to see if any guards were on duty, and to my luck there was only one. It was one of the new wolfs Stacy brought with her.

However these few are dicks. They worship the floor she happens to walk on. Ugh...and the fact that she wants to make me pissed by using Kyle just irritates me to the core. Sometimes I swear I got the temper of a werewolf.

Think Caitlyn what could I use to get the prick over here. Looking around the only thing I could use would be the cot. I walk over to it and examine it. Looking closely I saw one leg on it was loose so I took about 15 minutes for it to come all the way off.

It was metal so I was praying it would knock him out for some time if I could just hit it hard enough. Going back to the cell door I hid the thing behind my back.

"Hello Guard I need some help in her!" I shouted flirtatiously.

"Lady you need to shut up. No one cares." He shouted down the hall to me.

Rolling my eyes he would be a tough one. "Why don't you come make me? Or are you to afraid of little ole me?" I taunted.

I heard the sound of his chair moving. I punched my fist into the air for victory. "I'll make sure you shut up for good."

I backed into the corner of the cell where it was the darkest. He slid the cell open and stepped in looking around for me. The idiot didn't even see me. He stepped closer to my cot and gave me a better spot at hitting his head. I jumped up and used all I could to make it hurt.

As he tumbled to the ground I saw the ugly gash I caused. Shrugging my shoulders ...whoops what's a girl to do. I grabbed his keys and made sure to lock him in. As I walked past the cells I let out the others from the pack. Tyler right now may not think humans are in the pack but the sure as hell are.

We made groups and divided up what to do. I knew how this happened from Emma so I enlighten them so they wouldn't be so confused. Apparently there were other prisons around holding more of our humans from our pack. This is where groups were assigned.

I however needed to go save Emma first. When the groups went so did I. The only problem was I had no idea where to go. I wanted to try the house first. As I was walking I heard a gun shot. My heart stopped in my chest.

I started running to the house until I heard more. I saw birds flying away from the rear of the house. Looking around I saw taking a short cut through the forest would be my best bet. I suddenly stopped running when I saw Stacy and Tyler in a heated argument. I waved my arms trying to get Emma's attention.

She was in a dazed it seems. I whispered her name over and over for a few minutes but nothing got her attention...When Stacy lunged at Tyler my mouth drop, hell was about to go down. I tried to whisper a little louder "Pssst... Emma come here." I waved her over.

I could see she was very confused but there was no time for that. She started running over to me when two shots echoed all around. Emma looked frightened but kept running but slowed down as she looked pained.

She fell to the grounded and that's when I knew she had been shot. She was on her knees as her arms tried to hold her up but suddenly gave out. I rolled her over as soon as I got to her. She tried to speak but blood came up instead "Emma! Oh My God! Emma look at me...you're going to be okay. You have to be okay." I felt tears trickle down my face.

I looked up to see Tyler running over to us. My eyes went back to Emma whose eyes were now closed. "Caitlyn what's going on?" Tyler had sat on the ground and was in the middle of crying.

"Tyler you remember?" I nearly screamed as excitement built up in me until I looked back at Emma.

"Caitlyn I'm so lost as to what you mean?" He took Emma from my arms.

"Questions later let's just go get her help." I panic as he took off inside the house with her in his arms.

As I ran after I saw the devil herself lying dead on the ground. So that's how the spell broke? Not sparing her anymore glances I followed Tyler into the house. If she dies I will kick Tyler's ass until he dies for doing this to her. Lifting my hand I held onto her cold one while Tyler demanded to get the closes doctor we had here since my parents were still away with the children.

Emma was so still it made my tears impossible to hold back. "Tyler do something!" I shouted as my vision was blurry from tears.

I heard the door open and I glanced over to see Kyle walking over to me. I dashed into his arms and embraced him. "Babe what's wrong? What's going on around here?"

I pulled back from him. Did no one actually remember? How am I supposed to explain this? "I'm just so happy to hold you." Was all I could managed to get out.

Looking back at Emma I cried louder into Kyle's shoulder. Tyler has walked over to her and was holding her hand weeping. I've never in my life saw my brother cry. Moments later the door open once more and some random guy walked in.

"It's about damn time!" Tyler growled.

Kyle released me and went to hold Tyler back. "Calm down."

Tyler flung Kyle's arm off of him and went back over to Emma's side while I assume the temporary doctor checked her out.

The doctor looked worried to talk to Tyler...Oh God. "Is she dead?" I asked the questioned everyone wanted to know.


I'm really bad at cliff hangers


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