Jacob- Wedding

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Lauren's P.O.V.
Today was the day. I'm marring my best friend. And becoming Mrs.Lofland. I was beyond excited. And a little nervous.

Kat is my maid of honor. After all she is my best friend. But there was one major thing I was sad about. My dad couldn't be here. He had passed away when I was 16.

I tried not thinking about it today. I walk out of my dressing room. My dress is not long. We're having a beach wedding. I had some kid of slip on the top of my foot. I didn't want to wear heels.

My mom puts the crown on my head and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." My mom says trying not to cry.

"Mom. I love you too. Don't make me cry." I say and hug her. She walks outside. Kat hugs me.

"You look beautiful my dear." Kat says and bows.

"So do you princess." I say back. She smiles. Next to give me a hug was Kaya. She was also a bridesmaid.

They make their way to the front of the line. Thomas was walking me down the isle. He links his arm with mine.

"You ready?" Thomas asks me. I nod. He smiles. The doors open infront of us. I take a deep breath. Thomas and I walk down the isle. I look up at Jacob. He had a smile on his face.

We make our way to Jacob. Thomas let's go of my arm and gives me a hug. I stand infront of Jacob. He grabs my hands.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Jacob and Lauren." The priest says.

"We have decided to write eachothers vows." Jacob says. He hands me the vows he wrote for me to say.

I open the paper and hold the microphone to my mouth.

"I can't belive we've gotten this far. I remember when I first met you. It was love at first sight. I promise you I won't come home with five dogs. When I was supposed to be getting food. And I promise not to force you to watch Full House. Thing is. I love you so much. Forever and always." I finish up. I hand Jacob my paper.

"Hey everyone. How ya doin. I remeber when we first met. I was so happy. You were the adorablist thing I've ever seen. I promise to watch Full House with you whenever you want. And help you with your anxiety. Thing is. I love you to the moon and back." Jacob finishes.

"Do you Jacob Seth Lofland. Take Lauren Alice Startling as your lovely wedded wife?" The priest says.

"I do." Jacob says and smiles at me.

"And do you Lauren Alice Starling. Take Jacob Seth Lofland as your lovely wedded husband?"

"I do." I say holding back my tears.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Jacob leans foward and kisses me and dips me. The crowd laughs. He pulls me back up and puts his arm around my waist.

We walk down the isle. People clapping and cheering. It was the best day of my life.
It was night time now. I changed into a shirt that said on the back 'I'm with a stick' with an arrow pointing toward Jacob. He was wearing one two. I have jeans and sneakers on.

We are all in a circle telling stories. I lean my head on Jacob's shoulder. He looks down at me and smiles. He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you princess." He whispers to me.

"I love you too prince." I whisper back smiling. He kisses me. I blush. Just like before. Just like old times.
Rawr :)

Jacob Lofland Imagines (Aris Jones)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon