Aris #2 Part 2

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Setting- The scorch
Mia's P.O.V.
It's been three days since I've woken up. The voices are back. They've been counting. On the first day I was up it was 5. Now it was 2.
Now we are hiding in a building. Then we heard it. Lights and WICKED burgs.
"Okay everyone hide." Thomas whispers. Everyone hides except Aris.
"Aris. Aris. You get your ass over here now." Sonya whispers.
"Aris please." I whisper.
"Sonya keep Mia safe." Was all he said when he ran out.
"ARIS!" I yell and pull away from Sonya's grip on my arm. I run outside.
No burgs. Aris was laying in the sand. I run over to him and kneel next to him.
All of a sudden his eyes open. He pins me down on the sand.
"Aris. What the hell." I say. He yanks me up from the ground and puts a knife against my neck.
"Don't you dare scream." He whispers in my ear.
The gladers run out.
"Aris. Put the knife down." Sonya says getting closer. He pushes the knife down harder.
"No. No." He starts whispering.
"I have to do this." He says louder now.
All of a sudden he drops the knife and me. I fall to the ground and so does he. Sonya runs to me. I crawl over to Aris.
"Mia-" Sonya starts.
"I got this. Let me do this." I say. She nods leading the other gladers in.
I press my forehead against his. I could speak to him like this.
Aris. You have to wake up.
I say to him.
I don't think I can.
He says.
You can.
I grab his hand and he squeezes it. I repeat the same for the other hand.
I kiss him and he wakes up.
"Mia. I'm so sorry. I have no idea what came over me." He says.
"It's okay." I say and we get up.
"SONYA!" We hear Harriet yell.
We run inside. Sonya is laying on the ground. Blood coming from her stomache.
I kneel next to her.
"Harriet what happened?" I ask.
"I don't know she just collapsed." She says. I take out my flashlight and a scarf.
Aris shines the flashlight to where she is bleeding. I apply pressure to it.
"Shit. Sonya. Please stay with me." I mutter.
She wakes up and grabs my hand.
"Sonya-" I say.
"I love you so so much Mia. Keep them safe. I-" She says but then closes her eyes.
"Sonya. Sonya. Please! Wake up!" I say now tears running down my face. I kiss her forehead and stand up. I run outside. Ignoring everyone.
"YOU HAPPY NOW?! HUH JANSON. I'M BROKEN! YOU JUST KILLED MY BEST FRIEND! I'M COMING TO KILL ALL OF YOU!" I yell looking at the sky. I look down at my now red hands and wipe them on my shirt.
I collapse.
"It's okay." I hear Aris say. He was now holding me.
"Is she really dead Aris?" I ask. He nods.
"It really hurts. It really shucking hurts." I say now crying harder.
"I know baby. I'm here just let it out." He says. We spent our night sitting right there...

Jacob Lofland Imagines (Aris Jones)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon