George wants to ask Matty what happened, even though he can already fathom a guess. Matty was supposed to be with Gemma tonight, which is why he had turned down Ross' invitation to his house party, so that could only mean that something had gone wrong with the two of them, leaving Matty in his current inconsolable state.

George keeps silent as Matty continues to weep brokenly, pressing his palm against his spine as he hunches inward, burying his face into George's shirt, muffling his cries slightly in the process.

George begins humming in what he hopes is a comforting manner, ignoring how damp his jumper is getting as his hand trails up to Matty's hair, stroking the askew curls absentmindedly as a plethora of distressed sounds escape from Matty's throat.

"She's left me George," Matty manages to spit out eventually, the admission sending him into another round of tears that have now reached the point of sounding borderline painful.

Matty's chest heaves up and down as his lungs try to remember how to accept oxygen while under such strain, and George feels a phantom ache twisting along his ribcage in response.

George is used to this by now, as much as he wishes he wasn't, but this isn't the first time that Matty has shown up at George's door after having his heart broken, which means that he knows exactly how to deal with Matty when he gets like this.

Sometimes Matty needs to be pried continuously before he will open up, otherwise he'll let whatever is eating away at him fester inside until it drives him insane, but in instances like this, it's best to stay quiet, to let Matty say his piece while comforting him with touch instead of words.

Matty won't listen to logic while he's this upset anyway, so George would only be wasting his breath if he attempted to reason with Matty right now.

"It'll be okay mate," George mumbles softly, making note of the way Matty's choked sobs are already starting to fade into sniffles, leaving him to wonder how long Matty was crying alone in his flat before George had finally arrived. It was unusual for the older man to regain his composure so quickly, not that George is complaining at all. "Here - take off your jacket at least," George sighs when Matty twists slightly, sending the blanket tumbling to the floor, revealing his outfit which is now rumpled all to hell.

Matty protests the entire time as George drags the leather fabric over his thin shoulders, tossing the article of clothing to the ground once Matty manages to get his arms free.

"Thanks," Matty mumbles thickly, the distraction stopping his tears for the time being, much to George's relief.

"Can't have you overheating," George scoffs playfully, rearranging their positions so that Matty's half in his lap, his hair tickling his nose when Matty leans back against him heavily.

"Fuck off," Matty huffs, his long fingers twisting together nervously. "I meant for calming me down, not undressing me."

George simply laughs in response, trying to pick his next words carefully so he doesn't send Matty spiraling into hysterics again.

"I have weed if you want," George offers, knowing that the high will soothe Matty more than anything else he can do for him right now.

"I think you can guess the answer to that," Matty chuckles wryly before removing himself from George's legs, allowing the other man to stand up and retrieve the necessary items so he can start rolling a joint for the two of them to share. "Sorry by the way for showing up out of the blue. Forgot you would be at Ross' place, so I sort of let myself in."

George resists the urge to roll his eyes, because if he hadn't wanted Matty to have access to his flat when he wasn't around, he wouldn't have given him a key to it in the first place.

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