Chapter Four | So she cares?

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Chapter Four | So she cares?

Natsume Hyuuga

Mikan is giving me the cold shoulder – a shoulder as cold as Canada during winter – heck even a shoulder as cold as the Antartic. She was mean to Ruka too, which I can tell made him sad.

Sumire's being an asshat too. But she's Mikan's friend so, that's expected. As for Hotaru Imai, she wouldn't know what's going on, so she has no reason to.

Just wait till she finds out.

"Natsume, shouldn't we tell Hotaru other than letting her find out? I mean, as soon as she cracks, she'll be furious that no one says anything --"

"Like how she is now." I intercepted making him frown and nod.

"Yeah, yeah – and then, when she finds out she's going to hurt us more than--"

"If we tell her, she'll murder us on the spot."


"But, I get it Ruka, we are going to tell her, before Sumire does and slightly exaggerates and makes us sound worse than we already were – well are." Ruka nodded content with my words and went back to feeding Usagi.

Hotaru and me had grown a little closer in Mikan's absence – she still knew that I had a huge crush on her so she teased me more than before she had realized. She and Ruka had the same kind of relationship, except she blackmailed him a little more.

All of that would come crumbling down once she found out.

Of course, I'm not one for lovey-dovey friendships, but I liked being friends with Hotaru. It wasn't Imai and Hyuuga it was Hotaru and Natsume. I'm not going to speak for Ruka, but that boy would probably be quite depressed after falling out with Hotaru too.

As well as Mikan Sakura – now Yukihara.

"Mikan, what star ranking and Class are you in now?" I heard Nonoko ask. Mikan looked up at her with a grin.

"I'm a three star now. But if I do more missions, then I'll move up to special."

"What?" Hotaru asked with a frown. Mikan looked at her slightly confused.

"I'm between Dangerous Abilities and Special Class. I have the S.E.C Alice remeber? As well as Nullification. So, I get to pick – and Dangerous Abilities only help the Academy now, ever since Shiki-niisama became the headteacher."


Hotaru looked at me for answers with a confused frown.

"Uncle." I said making her nod and Mikan frown at me.


"Natsume..." She said narrowing her eyes, "Are you still in Dangerous Abilities?"

Oh. So she cares.

"Yeah, but I get less missions. Rei-sensei says that since I've been doing it for a long time, I don't have to do too many." Mikan nodded and continued ignoring me.


"Hey Mikan, can you steal Natsume's Alice type? Or insert a new Alice into him to change it?" I heard Koko shout. Mikan smiled.

"Well, I've been practicing on that stuff, since..." She trailed off and glared at me.

"That happened. But personally, I think so, yes that's possible." I saw Ruka gasp making Mikan look at him questioningly.

"Do you have something to ask me? Ruka."

Ruka bit his lip and petted Usagi profusely. Mikan only has a small smirk on her face.

She knew that Ruka Nogi wouldn't have the heart to ask. Not after that.

"Later." He said looking up at her with a frown, "We'll talk later." He froze as Hotaru turned and glared at him.

Hotaru needed to know.

And we're gonna tell her.

"Hotaru." I said standing up making Ruka hitch a breath.

"We need to talk."

[A/N: I feel as if these chapters are too vague...what do you think?]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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