
(Dylan's P.O.V)

When I wake up I do everything twice as quick so I can get to school already and see Ali. It was so amazing spending the whole day with her yesterday and I miss her already.

I am so whipped.

Rushing towards Ali's locker, my smile is soon wiped off my face. What the hell is Dereck doing with her? I thought she said she was breaking up with him. I feel the anger coursing through my veins, seeing him so close to her just makes me want to punch him and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Stomping my way over to Dereck with my fists already clenched I feel someone take hold of my arm. I look angrily at the person to see who it is and notice that it's Elliot.

"Dude don't do it," he snaps, knowing exactly what I was about to do.

I just glare at him and look back over at Dereck with his filthy hands around Ali. My jaw tightens at the sight.

"It's not worth it man, just leave it," he tugs at my arm, looking at me apprehensively.

Instantly I close my eyes and take a deep breath. He's right, I need to think about Ali.

"It's just.. he's so close to her, who the fuck does he think he is?" I retort angrily.

"Her boyfriend?" he clarifies, "Dude why are you so jealous? Do you like her or something?" he asks with his brows furrowed.

"Yes," I snap, anger still coursing its way through my body. Okay Dylan calm yourself, he's not worth the fight.

Hastily I turn around and storm past the lingering students. Some girls stare lustfully at me and giggle but right now, I couldn't give less of a fuck.


(Ali's P.O.V)

The day was going by slowly and I was still eager to see Dylan. Finally though, it was lunch so I head over to the cafeteria in the hopes of finding him. I scan the crowded room, looking past all the different tables and I can't help but think that Mean Girls was actually right. Every table has a different group of people.

One has the jocks and the cheerleaders mouthing away as if they own the school, nearer to my right I notice that everyone on the table are just sitting awkwardly, staring blankly at one another; the socially awkward.

At the back, nearer to the bins, my eyes rest on a table full of book-engrossed teens; the nerds. Letting my eyes roam free anew, I scan the whole cafeteria only there is still no sign of Dylan.

I decide to pull out my phone and call him. I wait patiently but after six rings, he still doesn't pick up. Ok, now I'm getting worried. Where the hell is he?

Strolling around the school I'm still anxiously looking for my best friend. I've searched through every inch of the building only I still can't seem to find him. Man he has some serious ninja hiding skills, maybe he's avoiding me?

After pointlessly pacing around the deserted corridors, I decide to go up to the roof. At least there I'd have a better view so maybe I'd find him then. Plus it's a good place to just be away from everything and have my time to think.

As I head up the narrow stairs, I reach the open roof. Opening the big, heavy door I step in and I am instantly greeted by a cool breeze, I take in one large breath and let out all of my worries.

Looking into the distance I can see all the little people doing their own little thing. The slightly yellow grass sits comfortably across the whole of the campus. Big oak trees surround it, dancing merrily with the wind as it wooshes past.

Stepping towards the edge of the roof, I notice there's someone already up here. Crap, I hope I'm not interrupting them. Squinting my eyes I try to get a better look at the mysterious silhouette and notice that it's Dylan. An instant sigh of relief runs through me as I stomp towards him.

"Why are you up here? I've been crazy looking for you, you didn't answer your phone and I never saw you this morning," I blurt when I finally reach him. He looks at me blankly then looks away. Something is wrong.

"Dylan what's wrong?" I ask starting to get worried. His jaw tightens and he closes his eyes as if having an internal fight with himself. What's bothering him? Is it me? Oh no, maybe he regrets telling me his secret. Maybe now is the time he'll tell me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore.

"You told me you were breaking up with Dereck," he says, trying not to sound angry.

Ok, so it's not what I had initially thought but it's still just as bad.

"I was, um, I did," I lie. Oh no, I shouldn't have lied. Why did I say that? Clearly he knows the truth if he's angry. I sense a change in his expression, as if he can't mask his frustration any longer.

"Oh yeah? Well this morning you seemed pretty together to me," he snaps, running a hand through his thick brown hair. "Did our time together mean nothing to you Ali? Because it sure as hell meant something to me," he continues.

"Yes," I say back, offended that he would think differently. "It did Dylan, you mean a lot to me, you know this."

"Do I?" he says, doubting my answer. I narrow my eyes at him and give him a stern look. How dare he even say this to me? I let out a long, exaggerated sigh.

"You do, Dylan. You really do." I speak calmly, trying not to get worked up myself.

"Then why the hell were you all close and comfortable with that asshole today? I saw you together Ali," he miffs, I study his expression in an attempt to decipher what he's feeling. I see a hint of anger but it's not just that, there's something else. 

I say nothing in anticipation that this would give him time to cool off. I gingerly take hold of his hand and squeeze it tightly before being unexpectedly pulled into a bone-crushing hug. I wrap my arms firmly around his waist and hug him back, taking in a big whiff of his sweet cologne. He lightly kisses the top of my head and I let out a content sigh.

"I'm sorry Ali," he finally says, breaking the comfortable silence between us. Sorry for what? "I just, I can't bear to lose you," he adds.

I look up into his warm, inviting eyes and whisper, "Dylan, I've already lost you once and I know how it felt. Losing the only thing that makes me happy. I've been down that road and I'm not prepared to go back there any time soon. I'm sorry to break it to you peanut, but you're stuck with me."

Peanut was the nickname I'd given him back when we were kids. I called him that due to his abnormal appreciation of peanut butter. Every time we were together he had some sort of peanut butter substance with him, whether it was a whole jar of peanut butter or a peanut butter flavoured candy; you name it, it was there.

Suddenly I feel his arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I hug him back willingly and sense his smile. I love being in his arms. I feel safe, I feel cherished, loved. We stay like this for a few minutes until we're interrupted by the ringing sound of the school bell, indicating that we should get back to class. However, he doesn't let me go.

"Dylan, we've gotta go," I mumble into his chest.

"Why?" he whispers, leaning back to look at my amused expression.

"Because the bell just rang, didn't you hear it?"

"Screw the bell," he answers and hugs me tighter which makes me smile. I reluctantly pull back and look at his beautiful, flawless face.

"Come on, we can't miss class," I say, taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. I notice his breath hitch. So I do have the same effect on him.

He pouts and then finally says with a sigh, "Fine, miss goody-two-shoes. Only for you."

I glare at him and nudge him playfully with my shoulder, he laughs and we make our way back to class.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Until next time, I love you guys! :)

Once AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon