"Okay, um-" she straightens her posture in her chair, then sighs.

"Do you know a lot about this man, Kate? I know that you got upset with me in the past when I tried to warn you about getting involved with another man so soon, but I'm not bringing it up this time because I'm worried about your behavior." She crosses her legs, then uncrosses them just as quickly. She's being oddly fidgety and it's worrying me.

"Well then what are you worried about if it's not me?" I ask in return, eyeing her suspiciously. She chews on her bottom lip and glances down, then up at me again.

"Kate, all that I can say is that you need to be careful. In the situation you're in you need to know who your real friends are since there's so much on the line with you. He could be lurking in places you would never expect and I feel as though it's part of my job to just forewarn you to never let your guard down for someone. That's when it will be easiest for him to get to you." She gives me a serious look and my previous confusion turns into pure worry.

"Mia, is there something you know about him that I don't?"

"No, no of course not! I apologize. We've gotten completely off track and I'm talking far more than you are which is the opposite of what should be happening." She shakes her head and sits back comfortably in her chair again while straightening out her pad of paper.

"Mia, you can't just go off like that and expect me to forget about it-"

"All that I can say is you need to be careful with who you consider to be your friends. You're in danger at all moments of the day whether you realize it or not. I can't say anymore than that." Her voice has lowered greatly and I find myself stunned by the situation. Not only is she trying to convince me nothing's wrong after her panic a moment ago, but now she's beginning to sound a lot like Harry by telling me I can't ask for anymore than what she's already told me.

"Anyways, tell me about your week." She eventually sighs lowly and offers me a smile that clearly tells me to drop the subject.

What the hell is going on here?

From Harry:
Are you at your dorm?

I distractedly read the text as my hands fall quickly over the letters on my keyboard. I've spent the last hour on the internet searching for background history on my therapist in hopes of finding something that will tell me she's a psychopath and that maybe I'm not just going crazy.

To Harry:
Yeah. What are you up to?

I take a monetary break to get up from the bed and grab myself a glass of water. My head is pounding, but I won't rest until I find something. I don't even know where to look at this point. I've googled just about everything having to do with her that I can think of.

My phone buzzes on the bed just as I return and I sigh as I sit down.

From Harry:
Just got back from the gym and went to my office to pick up some things. Can I drop by?

I type back a quick agreement to Harry, then lay flat on my stomach on the bed. My laptop is still sitting in front of me, but the website I'm on tells me nothing useful.

Instead of continuing to stress about it, I pull up some class work that I've been putting off. I don't want Harry to get here and question why I'm researching some probably harmless woman like a stalker.

Ten minutes later, a soft knock sounds at the door. I get up from the bed and move quickly to open it to allow Harry inside. He greets me with a sweet smile as he steps inside, then pulls me in to press a gentle kiss to my lips as soon as the door is closed.

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