Chapter six: This was going to be hard

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I woke to find it was morning. After I and Arthur had started making out the feeling I was having had gone so I didn’t bother to go see Gaius about it.

Instead I stayed the night with Arthur and it had been the best night of my life.

I got out of bed slowly so I didn’t wake Arthur up. It was still early so I thought I leave him to have a little more sleep.

I put my top back on before putting on my jacket and boots on. Once I was fully clothed I decided to go get Arthur breakfast as we had a busy day ahead to go check out the outline village.

I left the chamber and headed towards the kitchens wondering if Gaius was beginning to get suspicious of me not returning to my room at night.

I hope not.

I arrived at the kitchens to get Arthur a filling breakfast. I was being soft on Arthur but last night had been the best night of my life. I was not going to forget it anytime soon either.

On the way back up to Arthur’s chamber I bumped straight into Gwaine. Oh crap.

‘Merlin I didn’t see you last night, ‘ he said sadly.

‘Oh I am sorry Gwaine, ‘ I said to him.

‘Oh it’s alright Merlin I love you too much to hate you or be angry with you, ‘he smiled at me.

My heart missed a beat.

Oh that made me feel so guilty.

 He loved me and all I was doing was making out with the prince.

Making out with Arthur who he didn’t like that much anyway. 

How could I be so stupid?

I knew why though. I loved Arthur too. I loved his bad side. I just loved what we did in bed and how our relationship was. It was like we belonged.

With Gwaine it was a different feeling. He had a soft but loving approach to him. He is like my pillow and Arthur is like my rock. 

How could I decide between love or that fantastic feeling I got from Arthur. Could you?

‘I will make it up to you, ‘I said to him quickly.

‘I look forward to it, ‘he said to me before he kissed me on the lips.

‘Gwaine,’ I began to say to him.

‘I love you too Merlin, ‘he said.

‘I was actually going to say you make me feel like I am more than just a servant,’ I sighed as I watched him walk away from me.

When he was out of my sight I set off towards Arthur’s chamber again hoping he was up and if not I would have to wake him.


I opened the door and stepped inside to find Arthur sitting up in bed but he looked a little happier as he saw me.

‘Where the heck were you? You are meant to ask me when you wish to leave, ‘ Arthur said to me.

‘Why I may be your servant but my job doesn’t actually start till right now, ‘ I said to him.

‘Oh whatever, ‘ said Arthur clearly angry.

‘What is your problem, ‘ I said to him.

‘Last night was fantastic but I wake up to find you gone. That is what is wrong, ‘ said Arthur as he got out of bed.

I put his food on the desk hard getting a little annoyed.

‘Oh grow up Arthur I was gone for like ten minutes and I got you a filling breakfast, ‘ I said to him.

‘I just cannot please you can I but you can please me is that it, ‘said Arthur.

‘No!’ I said loudly.

‘Go get the horses ready we must leave soon, ‘said Arthur.

‘My pleasure at least I’ll be away from you for a little while, ‘I said to him as I went to leave.

‘What that suppose to mean, ‘said Arthur.

I ignored him and left the chamber.

Why was Arthur such a prat?

The best night of my life and now he had to do this. Sometimes I cannot believe he even loves me when he acts this way.

I ignored my feelings as I went to go sort out the horses for the ride to the outline village.


‘Hey Merlin are you alright, ‘asked Gwaine as he came up behind me and put his arms around me.

‘I’ve been better, ‘I said to him.

‘Oh come my Merlin, ‘said Gwaine as I turned around and we kissed each other softly.

‘Gwaine you make me always feel better when I am down, ‘ I said to him.

‘That is because you are worth it Merlin. You mean everything to me,’ he said to me.

My heart launched.

If only he knew what I was doing behind his back.

He would then hate me too.

Arthur and Gwaine would both hate me.

Then I would have no one.

My destiny would be destroyed too.

‘Merlin are you alright, ‘he asked me as we put our hands in each others.

‘I’m good now I am with you, ‘I said to him.

We let go of each other’s hands and we concentrated on the horses and not long after Arthur showed up.

About bloody time and he moaned at me for running late. Now he is doing it himself.

‘Are we ready to go sire, ‘said Gwaine as he got onto his horse.

‘I believe I am, ‘said Arthur as he got onto the horse I had set up for him.

No thank you.

What a prat!

At least Arthur was still hot though. I also couldn’t stop thinking about him as much as he was being such a prat today.

Going to the outline village with Arthur and Gwaine was going to be weird.  I loved both of them and now I had to spend a day with them both without showing any signs I like either of them in that way.

This was going to be hard.


Hope you enjoyed guys

I loved this video and it also helped me to get a few ideas between Arthur's and Gwaine's relationships with Merlin

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