What to Do When Your Bored At the Airport

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1. Go up to a stranger and say something in a pretend language. See if they can understand you.
2. Run across the airport and hug a random person coming off the plane.
3. Go to the little cafés in airports and ask the person on duty if they know where the café is.
4. Do the Harlem Shake to the quiet airport music.
5. Play a choreographed song (like Lean and Dabb or Hit the Quan) and just start dancing to it.
6. Take a selfie with a security guard.
7. Scream out "He needs some milk!"
8. Sing a rap song in front of a group of people standing around.
9. Eavesdrop on someone's conversation and when they say something that seems a little untrue sing and dance "why the fuck you lyin"
10. Scream at the top of your lungs"oh my god it's Michelle Obama!!" When everyone looks run the other way.
11. Try to stand very still and jump out whenever someone walks by.
12. Trip someone as they walk by with heavy bags.

That's all I have for this entry so sorry there aren't many ideas in this one. I'm thinking of editing it later when I have more ideas.


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