The Psychologist

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     I just got word that my patient had died in a terrible accident. His wife believed he was having an affair, and she stabbed him multiple times. The the police have said she was put into custody but nothing more was give from the case. His family asked me to speak during his funeral being that he spoke of me often. I agreed because who was I to deny a grieving mother and sister? The funeral was overly emotional like most, but it was also putting a heaviness on my heart. I went home like normal after the service, refusing the comfort food following the burial.
     It was now two days after the funeral and like always, I was expecting the interrogation. This was not the first patient that has passed in the midst of my care, so I have become very aware of the procedures. I usually hide the files that they have asked me to keep private the night before. I never believed in embarrassing a person, dead or alive. After watching "How to Get Away with Murder", I went up to my room and feel asleep.
     I received an expected knock on the door. I keep records of all of the appointments that I had with patients, and as always they ended up dying. Therefore I have been accustomed to a specific line the got the officer to be a little unfocused. "I believe that if the mind holds onto something too strongly, it becomes your only reason for staying alive. I have let my patience be set free. Is that really a crime officer? "
     "Doctor, this is the ninth 'patient' you've had that has died, all in three months! I'm really sorry but I can't let you off the hook anymore."
     I wanted to reason with him, or maybe ask him to clarify everything that was happening, but I couldn't afford to stay somethings that would've been taken the wrong way. I was actually going to be taken into custody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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