30: I look like Katniss

Start from the beginning

This was a hurt wild animal that was fighting for its life. We dodged when it whirled around and struck out with its back hooves. All we had to do was hold it here until it's nerves failed and it died.

Baine snarled at it and dashed around to bite it. It was only minutes before the bull fell to its knees, completely exhausted from blood loss.

It sunk to its belly and cried out for help. The other elk stood at the other far end of the valley, watching. There was nothing they could do.

As soon as the elks head dropped in defeat, Lyra pounced it and stuck her knife into its artery. She straddled its neck and held its antlers away from her with one arm. When she pulled the knife out, blood flowed freely. It finally died and we all relaxed. Baine busied himself with cleaning the blood off his fur a few feet away. 

"That was awesome, why didn't you just let it die by itself?" I asked, catching my breath.

"It was suffering. That's awful to watch," she shrugged and wiped her knife on her pants.

I nodded and rubbed Baine's ears, "Good boy. Totally kept us from having to track this guy down."

"Alright! Let's cut this bad boy up!" Lyra grinned.

"Wait! We have to do something first," I said and ran back to the bushes.

Grabbing all of our stuff, I hurried back and pulled out my camera.

"Awe, no Nathan, I look awful. I'm covered in blood. Why do we even need a picture?" Lyra whined.

"You look badass, just smile and the picture will be perfect! When we get the hell out of here, you're going to want to remember all this," I grinned and handed my bow to her for a traditional hunting picture.

The elks head was way too heavy to pick up, so we turned it to the side and propped it up. Lyra kneeled behind its body with the bow leaned against it. She held onto one side of the antlers to keep its head upright.

Lyra got Baine to sit beside the bow, in front of the elk. She put her hand on the back of his neck to keep him still.

"Perfect! Now smile," I grinned at her and kneeled to take a nice picture.

She grinned a dazzling grin and I snapped a few pictures. This was so perfect.

I stood up and smiled, "Great!"

"Your turn," she said and let Baine go.

"Oh no, you shot it. I don't need one," I waved her away.

"Shut up and go sit by it,"Lyra smirked.

I rolled my eyes but went over and sat where Lyra had been, re-lifting the elks head, "Just focus the lens and push that button."

"Nathan I know how to take a picture, my dad was a photographer. Half his work was mine," she smiled and leaned back at a strange angle for a good picture.

"For gods sake Nate, smile," Lyra giggled.

I huffed but grinned big. She snapped a few and straightened up to look. I walked over and looked over her shoulder.

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