The Discovery

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Hi guys! This is the second chapter of "Safe Haven", there really isn't much I can't say actually other than I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do, please favorite, like, and comment! Comments mean a lot!


"Lyra!" A bubbly voice whispered beside my ear.

I groaned and shuffled across my bed, trying to escape her voice.

"Lyra Martin!" She yelled, this time her voice raising a pitch.

"Lydia! Go away!" I moaned and pulled my pillow over my head.

"We're going to be late for our first day if you don't get your little butt out of bed and dressed!" She yelled as I felt her rip my blankets off of my body.

"I don't care." I growled as I burrowed my self further into the comfortable mattress.

"Lyra Isabel Martin! Get your ass out of bed!" Lydia shrieked as she grabbed my ankles and tugged.

I yelped as I felt my body fall from the mattress and on top of my fellow strawberry blonde cousin.

"Lydia!" I growled at the same time she shrieked, "Lyra!"

"Lyra get off." She groaned as I unsteadily wobbled off of her.

"Any other morning you're happy to be up, but today of all days you just have to be miserable." She mumbled.

"Lydia, it's the first day of our sophomore year and the official end of summer; of course I'm going to be miserable!"

"Oh honestly it's just another day, Lyra." Lydia cooed as she rifled through my clothes, throwing a black and pink dress onto my bare bed.

"Yes, another day to watch sexually frustrated teens making out in the hallway and hormonal boys mentally undressing every walking human with a set of breasts." I grinned sarcastically as I set a pair of black boots under the dress.

"That's not everyone, Lyra." Lydia argued as she threw a pink flower crown over her shoulder, landing perfectly on the bed.

"Yes, but a vast majority my dear cousin." I replied as I opened my record player, placing a vinyl of Adele onto it and setting the needle down gently.

My mother always called me an "old soul." I had this appreciation for classic things. For my tenth birthday I actually asked for a typewriter and an old fashioned radio. Meanwhile, everyone else wanted cell phones.

I hummed along with the song as I pulled my pajamas off, replacing them with the dress and boots.

"You know you're unbelievable, right?" She laughed.

"Yes, I do." I replied with a smirk as I combed the brush through my hair, placing the flower crown in the waves.

"Hey, don't be nervous, alright? You'll be fine." She suddenly said, seeing straight through me.

"That's kind of difficult Lyd, I haven't lived here since the third grade, I don't know these people anymore." I said, as I fastened my angel necklace around my neck.

"You're mom wouldn't want you to think like that, Lyra." Lydia said softly as I flinched, my mother was still a sore topic. The whole reason I moved to Beacon Hills this summer, was because she had died in a car accident.

"I know." I whispered. I shook my head suddenly and finished putting my signature red lipstick on, shaking off the negative thoughts.

"You're right, now let's go." I said, plastering a bright smile on my face.

Safe Haven (Stiles x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now