Justin Bieber

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He finds out your pregnant

"Take these prenatal pills everyday to keep healthy Mrs.Bieber"says Doctor Kahjin.
"Okay..Thanks for your help."I say standing and walking behind her to the front of the small hospital.
"It's no problem" she smiles and leaves. I push open the door and sigh as the cold air hits my face. How am I going to tell him? My husband of 3 years. We met in high school and were friends while he messed around with Selena, Barbra and other irrelevant hoes. But that's besides the point , does he even want kids right now? What is he gonna think? I look down at the pills and ultrasound in my hand.

  'We're just gonna have to see'

I walk to my black Escalade as my bodyguard opens the door.
"Thank you Zemerman" I say as he helps me up into the back.He nods.
"Alright go to the stadium" I say to the driver.
The whole ride I thought about how I was gonna tell him.
•••••••••••••Arrived at stadium•••••••••••••••

We pull into the back of the stadium and I open the door and hop down before Zemerman can help me and walk to the stadiums big black door pulling it open then I walk to yet another door that leads to the main lobby;So I can try to sneak pass fans that may recognize me. I don't need all the questions of why I was here and how big is Justin or how rough is he... His fans are really something...Walking into the many screaming girls I see my husband about to preform 'What do you mean?'. I remember how the set up was from when i went from his rehearsals.

He looked so happy, how is he gonna react to this? I push pass the fans towards the front and stand there looking down at the picture. He walks around singing to the fans. My head  jerks up when I hear shrieks from the girls I knew he was coming to our section.
"Oh-Ohh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what do you mean? Betta make up your-" he sings his voice suddenly stops as he locks eyes with me. I start to panic and remember why I'm here. I gently lift my arms, holding the picture towards his face, in the air. He squints and his mouth falls open. I look away scared. But he does the most beautiful and unexpected thing he starts to cry.

He bends down he's face in his hands. The fans go crazy as he stands back up and drops down into the crowd and runs to me. I'm suprised he came down and that the fans made a clearing for him. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when he pulls me to his chest. I hear the congestion in his chest and nose as he cries. Then he says he's...'So happy' over and over. I grip his arms and pull back to kiss his face.
"I love you so fücking much baby." he says looking at me intently.
"I love you too." I say tears pricking my eyes.

'I guess he wants it'


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