Soul- claimed-

650 14 330

Name: Soul

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: medium tan, longish white hair covers his right eye, kind of glowing blue eyes, wears blue hoody, white shirt, baggy blue jeans, black shoes, dosent look to strong

Personality: nice, friendly, trys to stay happy, flirty, fun, has a hidden dark side he normally dosent show but some times it comes out, holds grudges dosent show it

Other: wanted by the police, kills people when his personality gos dark when this starts to happen his eyes go red and if its bad black, can be in the sun just not for long

Creature: Vampire

Pet: Smallish Bat, all black

Back story: turned at 15, parents are died do to him, he cant all ways control when he turns and he cant always control when he gos crazy, he lives in a house thats a bit in the woods wheres theres not many people around, he all ways hangs out in the town and dosent like to go home

Scene: A boy is setting leaning on a building, it looks like hes looking for some thing, you see him, he dosent notice you then....

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