It's True

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She would be lost in his eyes,
Well later she found all those were lies.

His presence made her feel special,
After some time she felt that his absence was more crucial.

He would always smile and glare at her with love ,
The truth pushed her into a silent cove.

Love is what she felt,
It was on his arms where she would love to melt.

It was obvious for her to feel special,
As he would treat her like a soft petal.

She didn't knew all good things do come to an end,
His love for her would slowly start to descend.

Everyday his one look made her day,
"I love you" she would always say.

On a fine morning,
She would start crying,
Because his love was nothing but defying.

"It wasn't true" he said.
All her feelings started to fade.

Every night she would stay awake,
Deep inside she groaned believing in him was my biggest mistake.

Whenever she would think of him a cold wind blew,
She doesn't know why but still feels It was True.

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