The boys

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(*Narrator's POV*)

As Bob, Wade, and Yami finish setting up the board games, waiting for mark to light the room up, they hear two screams erupt from the kitchen. They all stand in a hurry.

"Ma'k! Jack!" Yami yells in a attempt to find whats going on.

Just as Bob is about to rush in there, he steps on one of the metal pieces from Monopoly that fell to the floor in their rushed standing up. Just then he feels another crack of lightning strike the house. They all begin screaming, ear piercing screams claw from their throats as they get shocked by the lightning. Frozen in place, all they can do is writhe in pain and scream, hoping someone will somehow make it stop. As Bob looks around to check on Wade and Yami he sees both unconscious on the floor, Wade lays on various things as Yami rests against the fake tree in the living room. His limbs seem to grow tired of standing so he slowly shrinks to the floor. Falling into the darkness of sleep...

-Time skip about, 2 hours-

(*Jacks POV*)

I slowly sit up, but then regret the idea immediately as a wave of dizziness envelopes me. I clutch my head and sit up anyways. Mark. The idea suddenly floods my head, I look around, careful to not step on any more of the glass, and see a unconscious mark against the kitchen counter. I weakly scream for mark to get up, only to get disgruntled noises. I bravely tread over the glass, wincing as I step on the tiny shards. I get on my knees and begin to softly shake Mark into consciousness again. 

"Mark.. you have to get up..." Feeling himself get weaker, Jack slowly slides down the same counter and falls asleep on Marks shoulder (*I ship Septiplier. Deal with it.*)

(*Bobs POV*)

I slowly sit up, seeing Yami beginning to stir as he wakes as well. I slide over to Wade to try to wake him. I then hear Jack in the kitchen mumbling something to Mark. I grab wade and sit him up against the couch and check on Yami, lightly poking his cheek.

"Psst, Yami, Buddy- You alright?" He stirs more and looks up at me, eyes groggy and slowly nods his head. I nod back and begin the walk to the Kitchen, holding onto the wall as I made my way to the kitchen arch. I peek in seeing Jack slowly slide back onto the floor, passing out once again. Slightly chuckling I take in the adorable sight. They look like little boys. Shaking my head, I get back to my mission: Getting everyone to the living room safely. I make my way over to Jack, poking him gently to see if he could get up. Seeing as how he is now out cold, I pick him up Bridal-style and take him to the living room. I begin to regain strength as I make my way back to the kitchen to get Mark. As i'm outside I hear a slight moan from inside the Kitchen. I pop my head in to see Mark leaning against the kitchen counter regaining his strength as well. 

(*Narrator POV*)

"Hey- Hey Mark, you alright?" Bob asks concerned. 

"Y-yeah.. just.. sh-sh-shook up.." Bob looks at mark strangely, noticing the static running through his hair, and his stuttering out of control. Although worried, Bob nods. Taking into account the odd behavior from his friend. Bob helps Mark to the living room where he sees Jack and Wade out cold, and Yami still regaining his whereabouts and such. 

"Is everyone alright here Yami?" Bob asks concerned.

"Hmm, Well Wade has been letting out a few mumbles here and there. But Jack-" He gets interrupted as Mark quickly makes his way to Jack, making sure for himself he's alright. He sees Jacks face contorted as tiny shocks still make their way around his body. Mark gently puts his hand on Jacks, but only receives a tiny shock because of the static in his hair and the shocks in Jack. Mark grows worried. As he begins to question why Jack hasn't woke up yet he hears a gut-wrenching cough from Jack. Suddenly feeling pain in himself seeing Jack hurt, he helps Jack sit up and pats his back. However a Jealous Yami sits across the room, wishing Mark would give him such attention.

(*A/N Hi everyone! MaddiHattie here, I just wanted to say, that During the next few weeks I might be up to some busy bee work, because my family is moving, so I might not upload as usual, but I will try. So thank you everyone so much for watching, and i'll see you- In the next chap! Buh-bye!)

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