Chapter 3

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It was 6:00 am. Christine was already awake, she has been for about 25 minutes. No one came up to her room. Not that she was surprised. But part of her wondered if Raoul was or is trying to find her. She shrugged off the thought and got up and dressed.

"Okay," She said aloud to herself. Maybe he could still be under the old Opera Populaire. One part of her wondered. No! He couldn't! The other part thought. She let out a frustrated sigh and decided to go and look anyway.  

She grabbed her tote and walked out. She tipped the clerk for his troubles while asking in polite way, "Did anyone yet and see me last night?"

"Yes ma'am. A man strawberry blonde hair and woman with blonde hair came looking for you."

Christine sighed, "Thank you for your troubles."

The man smiled and Christine was on her way. She called a taxi and told him to take her to the Opera Populaire.

The man nodded his head but asked, "Your Christine de Chagny, are you not?"

Christine nodded but said, "Daae."

"Well, then you know that that Opera House was burned down, what three years ago?"

"Two, actually. And yes, I know," She said rather sadly. The taxi driver just raised his eyebrows and continued driving.


Christine stood outside the black, ashed building she once called home. It was dark and filled to the brim with solitude. The site alone made Christine was to cry. The cab drove away and Christine walked through the damaged building. There wasn't has much damage as she had expected. But it certainly didn't hold the 1800's style beauty it once held.

She walked to her dressing room to see it wasn't really damaged at all. The door was really the only thing that held char marks. She set her tote next to the door, grabbed her flashlight out of it and walked further in the Prima Donna room. She stopped as she stood right in front of the mirror.

She inhaled a shaky breath and opened it following it's dimly lit tunnels.

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