"I can't help but feel it." She replied, causing the butterflies in my stomach to dance. "Teri, every time that happens, every fiber in my body goes crazy."

I felt relieved, but I didn't let it show. "So, what does this means?"

Sherri took a seat upon the couch. "I mean, you're feeling it, I'm feeling it. There's gotta be something there, right?"

I sat down next to her, resting the palm of my hands on her bare thigh. "What do we do about this?"

Before she could respond, Peter knocked at the door, wanting us to try the scene again.


With Khamar in our bedroom watching his favorite team in football play—Michael and John over at my sister Lisa's—I had been seated in the living quarters of my home, reading through old text messages of Teri and I.
Now that I had been reading the messages over, it seemed that the way we joked around was more like us flirting than joking. How was it that I had never caught onto the ongoing, undeniable connection we had? The way we dazed into each other's eyes, the way we electrified when we'd touch. We were more than what we believed we were.

"Sherri?" Khamar stepped out of our room, dressed in jeans and an all white tee. He then stood next to me, causing me to look up at him.


"I spoke with a well known film creator in New York, a few days ago." My husband paused, then continued. "He offered me a guest role on his newest production, next week, and I agreed to—"

I cut him off, looking at him sideways. "Another trip, huh?"

Khamar didn't tell me about this sudden trip he had booked. I wasn't sure if I had even been comfortable with him going, considering what had happened before, on a recent "business" trip he took.

"Its only for a week." He came closer. "But, I don't want you to worry. I know I messed up before, but it won't happen again. I'm not planning on going down that road again."

I breathed a heavy breath, looking away. "Shouldn't have gone down that road the first time."

Khamar sighed, letting guilt consume him.

"Besides, after what happened, some of that trust isn't there anymore, Khamar." I went on. "And, I'm not sure if you should go."

He began walking towards our front door, opening it with an angered expression. "I really wish things didn't have to be this way."

I rose from the couch, following his lead and ignoring his last statement. "Where're you going?"

"Well, doesn't seem as if you're cooking, tonight. I'm gonna go eat out."

"By yourself?" My nose wrinkled. "And, we're having a conversation. How're you just gonna up and leave?!"

"Well, I didn't invite anyone else to tag along." He responded, firmly. "I'm sure as hell you don't wanna come. And, why should we continue to talk about this, if you're just gonna make me feel bad for a mistake I made once?!"

He exited our home as he slammed the door behind him, precluding me from continuing.

I threw myself back on the couch, ashamed of how damaged my marriage was.
Khamar might've only cheated once, but he had broken me many times. Every time I looked at him, I thought of those text messages and what they consisted of. I thought of him saying whatever lie that came to mind, just to protect my feelings. And, letting go of that was not the easiest, when it was what caused me the most hurt.

I positioned my face in the palms of my hands, rejecting the offer my formed tears pleaded to release.

I didn't want to spend another night feeling down, so I thought of calling the only person I knew, who would make me feel better.


"Ah, I should've came sooner." Sherri exclaimed.
We were at my house, sitting side by side upon my sofa, while enjoying each other's time.

"No kids around, a glass of wine, and no scripts to read?" I took a sip of my drink. "It can't get no better than this."

Sherri smiled, taking a sip of her drink as well.

"So," I continued. "What's going on?"

She sighed. "Well, Khamar's going away next week for another guest role, and I'm not feeling it, y'know? Let's not forget what happened the last time he went away."

I shook my head from side to side, an indication of my disbelief. "Hmm. I still can't get it through my head that he'd cheat on a woman as beautiful as you."

"Well, I guess it's not all about the looks." Sherri replied, slightly smiling.
I meant what I commented. Sherri was beautifully made, inside and out. She was everything and beyond. How could someone ever want to put her through this? I knew no one was perfect, and we all made mistakes. But, cheating was a choice, a choice Khamar didn't have to make.
"Oh, c'mon, Sher Bear. You're awfully beautiful." 

She looked at me, giving eyes with a hidden signal. "Well, then that makes two of us."

We burst into a short laughter.

"Oh, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, Teri." Sherri wrapped her lengthy arms around me, awarding me of a very much wanted hug.

I planted a soft, yet meaningful kiss upon her cheek. The way we expressed our love for each other was one of a kind, one so unique and unthought of.
"More wine for you, my love—" Just as I began to offer more of our preferred beverage, I looked over at Sherri and seen her eyeing me like she had done many times. Her pupils were drowning in desire, as her face showed an expression she'd worn during Stef and Lena's steamy scenes. 
"What?" I asked.

"Shh." She hushed me, then used her index finger to line our chins. When her slender finger touched that part of my face, I fell into a whole new world. One that only consisted of us, and no one else.

I started to breathe profoundly, like the other day while filming our sex scene. Why hadn't those butterflies in my stomach remained still?

We continued to hold an ongoing, powerful eye contact, while our bodies were closer than ever.
The both of us knew what this meant. We knew just what we wanted. And, that was each other.
Sherri took her hand and placed them to the back of my head, bringing us even more closer.  I positioned mine to her lower back.

As soon as our lips crashed upon each other's, something clicked. They moved together perfectly, creating a scene better than Stef and Lena's.

I used my tongue to beg for entrance, as Sherri surely gave permission.

She then glided her hand up and down my back, tugging at my shirt.
Before it flew across the room, we released before things had gone any further.

"Well, we definitely have something for each other." Sherri said, stating the obvious. "If this isn't clarification, then I don't know what is."

I chuckled, rubbing my hands through her spiraling curls.
"Falling." I then said.

She looks at me, peering at me with eyes of confusion. "What?"

I breathed deep breaths. "I uh...I think we're falling. For each other."

"Y'know what?" She whispered. "I think you're right." She then agreed, placing a soft, and tempting kiss upon my lips.

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