~Chapter 1~ Texting.. And... Texting...

Start from the beginning

From: The Leprechaun


From: The Leprechaun

I killed her....

I laughed at the last text, holding my stomach.

To: The Leprechaun

No, you didn't. Just thinkin. xx

I pushed send, fiddling with the button that sent me to the home screen.

On, and off, and on, and off, and o-

It suddenly started buzzing, making me fling it to the wall.


I didn't have insurance on the damn thing.

I quickly hopped up, picking it up from the spot. I looked at it. There was a crack on the screen. Great.

Just what I needed.

I carefully texted Leprechaun, so I won't cut myself with the crack on the screen.

To: The Leprechaun

I'll be right back... PHONE CRACKED Dx

Nialls POV:

         From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

I'll be right back... PHONE CRACKED Dx

I laughed. Phone cracked? How did that happen?

I mean, her phone probably scared her while she was playing with the home button...

I do that all the time. It's really fun once your finger just like, knows where it's at, and you just click It every time your bored. Good times, good times.

I decided not to question it, seeing that I just meet this girl, and I don't even know her favourite food.

Speaking of food.. I really need some right now.

I got off my place from the bed, setting my phone down gently, as I walked to the kitchen. The stairs were messy - as usual, so I watched my step.

I looked in the fridge,


I sighed, then looked it the cupboard.

Still nothing.

What can Niall do to get food around here?

I sighed, closing the cupboard shut.

I remember the last time when the fridge was empty, I raged all over the place. Simon was mad, as usual, but it was not my fault. My stomach demanded for food, so I raged to get it some. 

Bad Stomach, Bad!

I walked up the stairs, gently, of course. My stomach growling for Nando's. or food, at least. I checked my phone. One New Message.

From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

Kay, back. and, I know who you are.

Oh shit....

What if she's scaring me, though?

What if this is all a prank? OR what if my stomach is doing those crazy mind tricks things, where Nat finally knows I'm Niall James Horan, from One Direction?

From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

Your Niall James Horan, From One Direction!

Well, thanks from crushing my dreams, Nat.

You were a big help in the "Dreams Dying" Corp.

Please, come again and destroy Niall James Horan's dreams of keeping his celebrity life a secret to the person he might fancy.

Whoa, wait. Just. Whoa. Wait.

Did I just say what I think I said?


Natasha's POV:

    Once I sent that text, he hasn't texted me since. I mean, he knew I would've figured it out someday, right?

I mean, who wouldn't? His face is on almost every teenage girls wall.

And I'm a teenage girl.

I admit, since I was a "Celebrity", I knew I was going to meet him someday, But I thought it meant like on a runway or somewhere.

Not me falling to my doom and him suddenly there to catch me.

I sighed, and turned my phone off.

Better get some sleep before practice. 


Here is Chap the 1! Sorry, it's late!!!



And Fan!


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