~Prologue~ Suiting Up

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Natasha's POV:

      The doors of the medium-sized helicopter starts to open slightly, my green eyes fixed on the window. Up here, I could see the target I was supposed to land on, for me to complete my task for the summer. My trainer patted the back of the cushioned seat, grinning at me slightly. You could see slight amusement on his pale face.

"Are you ready, Tash?" He asked gently, his pale grey eyes blinking a couple of times from the wind. I pursed my lips suddenly, the wind blowing my dark brown hair in front of my face. I let out a shaky breath, letting out a quiet whine.

The wind was cold, surprisingly. It was 100 degrees before I came into the helicopter in California. All I had on - right now - was some short shorts, and a flowy tank top. I gulped my air, looking at my trainer, who was begging for a answer.

"I'm ready, coach." I finally stutter, blinking away the tears that are forming in my eyes.

The dive I was about to take, was the high dive. Now, I know you might say; "Oh wow, your scared of a 'High Dive'?" It's high. Most Skydivers don't make it to the target, which is making my fears worse. I probably won't never see my family again, or my friends.

My friends are skydivers, too. But, they're not as trained for the "High Dive" as me. They started about a year ago, right when I moved from West Virginia. I've been soaring through the clouds since nine years of age.

My trainer helped me put on my jumper, zipping it up tightly so the parachute would attach correctly. I looked at the now fully open door, taking deep breathes for the jump I'm about to take. I don't even know where I am - letting because I was sleeping the whole time. Since the air is really cold, I think were on the other side of the world.

I took - maybe the last look at my trainer - Before leaping into the clouds.

Niall's POV:

        My blue orbs were staring at the sky, eager to meet the new Skydiver doing this jump. Well, almost all of London wants to meet this famous American Skydiver. This is a big risk to take, people say.

The lads were interested a week ago, when the weather was much warmer than this. Now, it dropped 30 degrees. I still wanted to see her, though. This must be tough for her, at least show some respect.

Then, I saw a falling figure.

The figure's hair was flowing behind it, it's arms spread across, making her glide. It was pulling on something, a chord. It was her, and her parachute wasn't working. My eyes widen in terror as someone screamed the words I always did NOT want to hear.


I quickly took off my scarf, running to where they predicted she was going to land. I held my arms out as far as I could, keeping my eyes on the girl. Suddenly, I felt someone in my arms. 

"I saved her..." I whispered, looking at the famous Skydiver - that almost died.

Her dark brown hair was thrown in all directions, her green eyes looking at me. Her slightly-tanned face was filled with only one expression.


I softly let her down on her feet, everyone clapping, some faces filled with joy, others, filled with fear still. I smiled to myself, looking at my arms like they were a prize.

Natasha's POV:

      Everyone was interviewing me, trying to push other reporters out of their way. I smiled for the pictures, making sure my hair wasn't sticking up because of the landing.

The landing..

I need to thank that blonde boy! But, where is he?

I looked around, trying to find a spot of blonde hair in the crowd. I sighed, then saw him. He was heading to the parking lot.

I quickly made myself out of the crowd, my voice panting from even walking. I blinked slightly, seeing the Black Toyota start up next to a Red F-150. I ran as fast as I could - which was not fast, if I may add - and tapped softly on the heavy-tinted window.

He rolled it down, his face showing pure confusion. "Yes?" He asks, his voice having pure Irish in it. Oh, wait until he hears my ascent.

"I just wanted to say thank you." I say, grinning when his eyes widen.

You see, my ascents unique. It sort of has a blend of British, Irish, American, and Southern. That's what everybody likes about me. My voice. I like my voice, too. No one else has it. It's mine.

"Nice ascent, and it was my pleasure." He smiles, making me blush.

I don't know why I did, though. People say that all the time. I should be used to it by now.

"I guess I'll see you around?" I perk up, looking at the mystery boy. He nodded eagerly, handing me a slip of paper. I waved goodbye before he rolled up the window and drove away. I opened up the crumbled piece of paper, smiling at what was in it.

My name is Horan. Niall Horan. Call me when you want to hang out xxx (numbers)

"Oh, I will." I whisper to the note, holding it close before walking to the van.


(A/N) I worked VERY hard on this! Feedback is appreciated!

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