Chapter 3: Training

Start from the beginning

I bit my lip as I took the blade from him. It didn't even have any scratches on it! Holding the heavy metal weapon it my hand I could feel the differences between it and mine. This kunia wasn't top heavy and the blade was smooth.

"go on.." he encouraged.

I smiled and turned toward the targert.

"hmm" I threw it and almost fell over.

The kunia whistled threw the air before embedding inside deeply in the 'heart' of the target.

"that's my girl!" dad cheered. He walked over to the target and retrieved the kunia.

I did it! Dad enveloped me in a hug laughing lightly, "I knew you could do it!"

"thanks " I smiled.

Dad grinned and scratched the back of his head with his hand. "hay no problem I'm just helping my baby girl!"

I felt heat burn across my cheeks.

Dad hadn't ever called me him "baby girl before. Not even when I was a little kid.

"hay Saya... I'm really sorry about last night. I-"

I cut off my dad by raising my hand, "it's alright. Your a busy ninja, dad."

My dads eyes softened. He walked over to where I stood he squated down so he was the same height as me. "Saya I'll never be to busy to be your father."

I felt tears build up at the sides of my eyes.

"and to prove it to you, I'm going to spend today training you. That is if you want..." dads voice trailed off and a big smile flashed across he face, along with a small chuckle.

My mother often called that smile the "Uzumaki grin" it was something that my dad had always done, it was something I often did and I couldn't help but feel one tugging at the edges of my lips now.

"ya dad!" I laughted excitedly. "I would love that"

My dad grinned and stood up streight. I hadn't noticed before but my dad was a lot taller then me. He gave me a closed eyed grin and took off running, and I quickly followed in his rather fast paced foot steps.


Three hours later and I was completly exasted. Dad wasn't going easy on me at all. Which is what I had hoped for but only now had I relized what I'd really been asking for. I almost wished he was babying me.

The sound of whistling air caught my attention and I spun around, ducking slightly. A shidiken flew past my ear and hit a tree behind me.

"come on Saya-chan don't let your gaurd down!" dads voice called. Only I couldn't find his face.

Panting I clutched the kunia in my hand tighter and scanned the trees, sweat stung my eyes.

He wasn't anywhere in sight.

I heard the whooshing sound of another shidiken. I spun around launching my blade in the direction of the sound.

The two weapons clashed together and fell to the ground.

Dad suddenly appeared in front of me. I reacted on instinct, my body droppen and my leg kicking out as hard as I could. Dad blocked my kick with his arm and tried to grab my leg. But I pulled away to quickly.

At this point my body was parellel to the ground and twisted weirdly.

Dad saw this and brought his fist down aiming for my stomach. I could feel my heart pound as I watched my dads fist move threw the air. I also felt the same ping of anger I'd felt earlier flare back up.

My body acted on its own and my palm shot out taking the blow from his fist. At the same time I reached down with my other hand pushing against the ground.

My leg shot out and my foot rammed into my dads cheek, effectively haulting any attack he was planning.

I wasn't sure who was more surpised me or him.

Dad flashed a couple feet back and I landed back on the ground on my hands and knees, a couple strands of lose hair falling in my face.

I tried to get up as quick as I could but dad was quicker.

"ugh!" I heard the breath leave my lungs as dad hands pulled both my arms behind my back, almost like he was handcuffing me.

"if this was a real attack, you'd be captured or dead." he announced coldly.

I sighed and looked over my shoulder at him a sweatdrop formed on my forhead.

"dad I'm not even in a Academy yet, why did you go so hard?"

He smiled before letting go.

"you need to know where you are in skill level before you start training. That way you know what to improve on. And I think your ready for the academy.

I sweatdroped, "are you kidding me! Dad you just handed my butt to me!"

Dad laughted and shook his head. "how long have you been training on your own?"

I blinked surpised by the question.

"a couple times, maybe five..."

Dad looked down at me with pride, which also surpised me.

"Saya you may not have beaten me but you had a natural instinct for fighting. I'm proud of you, and when your mother comes back I'm going to talk to her about signing you up for this years class at the academy."

"b-but the years already started.." I stumbled over my words.

"a week or so ago" he laughed, "and your a smart girl you'll catch up quickly. Now let's go get something to eat, I'm half starved!" he smiled and took off in the direction of the ramen shop.

The academy? I swallowed the lump in my throat and followed dad. I wasn't ready for that! Hopefully mom would make it so I wouldn't have to be...


Hay guys there you have it! Please let me know what you thought about Saya and Narutos training and if it would be something you wanted to see again! Do you think Sayas ready?

Comment- if you found any spelling errors or grammar issues, or if you want to make my day. I'm begging you PLEASEEEE comment !!!

Vote- if you want to read more! I'll be uploading again after I get 10 votes on this story!

Add to your libery- if you want a firefly hug! Or a hug from Saya! And for all those who added already **saya and I squish you**

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Love you all <3 untill next time!!! XD

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