Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"God, how could Justin even want to be seen with her?" a guy muttered. "He's meant to rule this school, not her."

"She's a commoner. She's not even that pretty."

"I bet she paid Justin to be with her."

"SHUT UP!" I bellowed, standing up from my seat and having it predictably thrown back into the desk behind me.

Miss Nellie hadn't even heard the mutters anyway, but it was more than blatant that she'd heard my rude demand. She turned around with wide eyes and pointed to the door with a straight arm. "Outside, Justin! I'll speak to you in a moment! And I would prefer it," she began as I marched angrily to the door, "if students could leave their private life outside of the classroom."

I slammed the door shut behind me and leaned on the wall. My head flew back and hit it. I winced, running my hands through my hair. Normally I wouldn't get into trouble at school because Mom would go ballistic. But this called for something else. Mom wouldn't care about a petty squabble with my Math teacher. She wouldn't even care that it was because I was defending some girl. Some girl I loved, actually.

Miss Nellie came out a few minutes later and lectured me on discipline and my behaviour. I told her I was just defending Juliet, but she took no notice and just ushered me back into class. I ignored everyone's alien stares, sat down and stayed silent for the rest of the lesson.

When it was lunch, I avoided Juliet as she would presumably eat in the lunch hall with Michelle and Beth. That left me to my own devices in the library where I went on a computer in which no one could amble past me slowly and gawp at what I was researching. It was no one's business.

But what I did research was LQTS. I found symptoms and what could happen to her, even if some of it was guesswork and the symptoms altered for every person. Just checking everything out made my heart sank. For the rest of the day, I kept my eyes low and avoided talking to people. Everyone was gossiping about my angry outburst in Math class. I needed to keep my slate untarnished.

I had Woodwork at the end of the day and managed to, in the given time, produce the sculpture to hand to Juliet in the hopes she would find some compassion in me. It wouldn't be enough to win her fully over, but it would be a start and that's all I could ask for right now.

Inevitably, the rest of the afternoon passed by gradually, and I didn't see Juliet once. I even waited by the gates for Jazmyn and even then I didn't see Juliet. Jazmyn was weary with me and cautious as she approached the outburst topic. I told her the truth. I even told her of Juliet's heart condition. She gasped when I told her and even shed a tear or two.

"She doesn't deserve that. Justin you need to talk to her properly. She came up to you this morning and willing to put things right."

"No, she was going to give me a box full of everything that reminded her of me. She's still adamant on ending everything."

"Then you know what you have to do." She wiped her cheek. "She confided in you, and now it's your turn to confide in her. She probably thinks you live in some stately mansion but we don't. She doesn't know anything about you or our life at home, Justin. That's what you need to do."

Speculation time, and then I concluded with, "Jaz, you're right."

Then I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her hair. She laughed before pushing me off her as we turned down a road. "I'm always right, Justin. You're just taking your time to realise it. Anyway, I have some books at home that need reading."


"Finished it all."

"Aren't you a good girl?"

When we got home, I went straight to my room and got out my phone. Rapidly, I dialled Juliet's number and after several long rings, she finally picked up.

"Justin," she whispered, "it's better if we don't speak to one another. We can get over everything quicker that way."

"Come to my house, Juliet," I blurted out. "You told me about your life, so I'll tell you about mine. And it starts with my house. Please, Juliet. I'm not losing you and I'm going to do everything to keep you."

Wavering, it took her a fleeting pause before she actually replied. She sighed and then said, "Alright, what's your address? I'll come now."

This was it. My eyes closed. I was about to divulge my darkness to her. Perhaps it would get lighter and it would disperse. Could that ever happen? Would it? It presumably was a possibility, but the chances were slim to nothing. But I bet one hundred percent that she would not expect what I'd say next.

There was a pause from me. My eyes opened. "I live on the second floor in Gathering Springs Apartments."

She gasped faintly.

Author's Note:

So Justin is back with his mission to get Juliet back in his life!! And he's told her where he lives! How do you think Juliet will actually react when she visits his apartment block? Let me know in the comments!! :)))

Thank you :) x

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