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Phil's P.O.V.
I come back late and see Dan sleeping. It's considerably early for Dan to go to sleep, 1:00 a.m. I did buy stuff for the baby but I also went for an extra long walk. I needed to think. Later today, we're going to be parents. Had Dan want this for a long time, but was afraid it would ruin our friendship? I shake my head and go to my bed. I fall asleep.

Later that day.

I woke up considerably early. Dan did too. We had breakfast and took a shower. After that we quickly hurried out to the Adoption Centre. Dan had a wide smile on the way there. I chuckled a bit while we walked, anxious to meet our baby.

When we finally arrive, Dan hesitates to open the door, I smile and open it for him. We are greeted by a lady with orange hair. She was about her mid 50s I would say. She had a kind voice and a gentle smile. She sent us to her office were me and Dan sat in two wooden chairs.
"Hello gentlemen, I presume you have come here to adopt?" I look at Dan, he looks so nervous. I chuckled.
"Yes, we're looking for a baby girl." I say. The lady looks at Dan and then back at me. She smiles and starts to look in her drawer.
"Ah here it is, fill these forms in, please." I nod and take one for me. The questions are basic, name, age, residence, phone number etc...Dan fills them out as well, looking much better now. We smile at each other and return them to the lady.
"Thank you, now the nursery is this way" the lady stands up. Me and Dan follow her through a corridor with different rooms. The sound of children laughing in some of them.

Dan's P.O.V.
We walk through a corridor with laughter everywhere. I can't stop smiling at this point. The lady opens a door, Phil goes in first. Inside there's a room with six cribs, one is empty. The room has a small window and a small carpet with some old toys on the floor.
"Take all the time you need gentlemen, I'll be in my office if you need anything." The lady leaves, leaving me and Phil alone with the babies.
"Well then Phil, let's pick one." I smile and start to see the tiny babies sleeping so peacefully.
"They're all so cute, how are we going to pick one?" I shrug and keep staring at the tiny babies in the cribs. It seems impossible to choose one baby. I hear a small laughter. I turn to see Phil carrying a small girl. Phil's playing with her tiny hands. The light coming from the window, hits Phil's face making his eyes shine with happiness, the baby's laughter in the back, making this moment more precious. Phil looks up to me and chuckles. I walk to them.
"She's adorable!" I laugh. The baby looks at me and laughs. "She's the one then." Phil nods and continues to play with her. She has beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. Phil gently hands me the baby gently.
"I'm going to go fill out the final paperwork" I nod, but I'm not actually listening to Phil. She grabs my finger in her tiny hands. I almost choked up a bit. This was our daughter. She laughed.
"Funny are you?" She grabs my finger with both hands. "Well you're going to come home with us today." She let out a yawn. "Cmon the Phil must be waiting outside" I smile and carry her to the ladies office.

We sign the last of the paperwork and thank the lady.
"If you have any questions you can consult me here." Phil said thanks and we left. Phil was the one carrying her. I was scared I would trip and drop her. It was cold, but not as cold as some other days here, so we decided to walk, besides, we had to pick a name for her.
"Hmm how about Sophia?" Phil said as he looked at her. I shook my head.
"No it doesn't fit her. She seems, feistier than a Sophia." Phil nods and gives her a long look.
"You're right, but how can we call her, I mean I'm probably sure Buffy isn't in the mix." It sure of a hell isn't. I like the show but not the name, especially for my baby girl.
"Phil don't let your fandom distract you." Phil laughs. I can't think of a good name for her.
"I know! Amelia. Because she reminds me of Amelia Pond, now there's a feisty lady." Amelia? Perfect. Amelia Howell Lester or Amelia Lester Howell or Amelia Howlter.
"Perfect, and it includes Doctor Who." We both laugh and Amelia laughs a bit, as if knowing that was her name.
"Welcome to the family Amelia." Phil and I arrive at our flat. With a new whisker into the mix.

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