Story Discontinued

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Sorry. That's really all I have to say. I can't defend myself. I don't have any especially good reason for ending this story.

I hope that you will give me at least a little bit of mercy, however, because someone in my family recently became very ill and I've been a little bit distracted. Also, I've been struggling in school a lot (mostly because I'm being picked on, which is just sooo fun), so I've just been really preoccupied and incredibly exhausted for a little while now. 

If that's not enough to convince you, I also play sports, participate in three of my school's clubs, play an instrument, and am a Girl Scout (I know, dorky.) So yeah, I've been busy. 

If someone wants to continue my story by writing/publishing their own ending, please feel free to do so. I'm really sorry, because I know a surprising amount of people liked this story and were waiting for an ending. And I know that all of those people have been waiting for a really, really long time. And I also know that I'm an insanely terrible person for not being able to crank out just a few more chapters, wrap this thing up, and make some people happy. I know. I really hope that at least ONE person will understand that I'm going through a hard time (there are some big challenges I'm facing that I'm not going to tell you about- too personal, sorry) and it's really hard to feel inspired and write for enjoyment when you're going through a hard time. 

Once again, I'm very sorry. I hope that you find a suitable replacement fanfiction to enjoy instead of this one. I hope that you don't get so angry that you try to track me down and throw various vegetables at me. I hope that all is well in your life, most of all. Maybe I'll try again in a few weeks, or months, or years, to continue this story. I don't know. All I know is that I'm going to keep my Wattpad account on hiatus for a while, and I'll have one less thing to feel overwhelmed about. Don't worry about me, though, my Wattpad account will be inactive, but I won't be! I'll still be alive and living my life offscreen. I'm fine, just stressed, and I need to de-stress, if that makes sense? Let's pretend that anything I've said has made sense lol

Thanks for the endless support, and sorry for the millionth time. 

Signing off,

your potato of an author who won't ever stop saying sorry

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