September 10, 1927

463 21 6

Author's ((( (((<,^,>))) ))) Note
So those are a few of my drawings! The first one isn't done though, just the title...any criticism? Oh and if you can't read the bottom left one, the top left drawing on it says " 'We sure got 'em that time pal!' 'Tell that t' y'r face'", the one under it says " 'Hope ya feel better' 'thanks Buck' ", top right (the pair of tickets to a Dodgers game in May 1941) says "Happy Birthday Bucky", and the bottom left with them on the Cyclone says " 'I wanna get off...' 'Too late now Steve!'". Plus I kind of broke my own heart on the bottom because I made them all memories Bucky had before he said "But I knew him" in CA: TWS...and half of his face is shaded more because Pierce slapped him :*( . I have a few more I'm in the midst of and I'll post them when I'm done if you want. RogersBarnes22 out *salute*

"This isn't a fair fight Gil," Bucky commented, "ya got four guys holding me back while you punch me." Unfortunately, since he had met Steve, Bucky had been getting into a lot more fights.

"You sound like that Jane friend of yours, Rogers," Gil said, "Too weak to take it?!" he asked.

"What aya think I'm doing Gilly?" Bucky asked spitting the words at the bully. After hearing his despised childhood nickname, Gilmore lifted his arm back for another punch.
   Steve had been walking home and since him and Bucky lived so close, he happened to pass the alley that Harge started attacking him in. He saw Gil's fist connect with Bucky's face. A groan escaped from his mouth and Steve could see he was in a lot of pain. His blood boiled and without hesitation he walked into the alley.

"What're you doing Gil?! Being a coward again?! I hope you man up some day and really fight someone without your goons." he shouted. Gilmore walked over towards him.

"You've got quite the nerve Rogers," he said hatefully.

   "Ya got that right, and some arm too!" he jeered, glaring at him.

   Harge chuckled, getting bored with the situation, "Sure ya do Rogers," he responded and walked away. As the other boys ran away with him, Bucky groaned and slumped to the ground. Steve jogged over to him.

"You okay pal?" he asked, concerned. Bucky gave him a thumbs up. Steve then grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him to his feet. He tried to take on his weight but ended up awkwardly dragging him along. Bucky got to his feet on his own about 30 seconds later and they started towards home.

"Thank you," he told Steve rubbing his face lightly.

"I've got your six," Steve said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How 'bout my face?" Bucky joked.

"Yeah...that too," Steve said chuckling, then he paused. "Your ma's not gonna like this," he said.

"...I know. She didn't like it last time either," he explained, "My pa understands" he paused and then laughed, "but that does not matter if my ma's bent."

"At least you have a second opinion..." Steve replied.

"Guess so..." Bucky said feeling awkward, "You don't know how to punch," he told Steve, breaking their silence. He looked at him like he had 3 heads. "Well ya don't!" Bucky repeated.

"Back there it looked like you were plenty good at fighting," Steve responded sarcastically.

"Gil had four guys hold me back Stevie...two for each arm," Buck justified, and then started with his advise. "You have to use the force of your body behind it. Turn a little when you hook. Hold your breath and then release it when you hit 'em," he continued, "keep your hands relaxed but clench them a little more as you punch...and don't ever put y'r thumb under y'r fingers unless ya want it busted"

At first Steve didn't want the advise. He felt he was fine on his own, but then again it could help him beat Gil later on, so he eventually started to listen. After Bucky stopped talking he nodded his head and mumbled "already did that anyways..."

"Punch me," Bucky ordered.

"What?!" Steve responded.

"Sock me right across the jaw. Make it a good one." he answered.

"Buck you're crackers!" Steve said.

"C'mon Steve! I wanna see if you can ACTUALLY punch," he said, knowing Steve couldn't resist that. He turned to Bucky and hooked him in the mouth. He crumpled to the ground "Ah!"

"Told you I knew how to punch," Steve said proudly, but quickly swallowed his words " okay?"

"Only because I gave you advise," Bucky said, wiping blood from his lip and wincing "I'm fine," he answered, slowly getting to his feet.

"Remember when you said I'm a sap sometimes?" Steve questioned, "or that I like getting punched?"

"...yes" Buck said knowing what was coming next.

"You just asked me to punch you in the face," Steve stated.

"I know," Buck answered. Steve smiled triumphantly as they continued walking.


"Hi Mrs. Barnes!" Steve said as he walked into Bucky's house. He'd been coming over more often now, because his mom had to go back and forth from her shifts at different jobs and she couldn't be home for him often. The Barneses had become a second family.
When he walked into the house he made a point of distracting for Bucky. If his mother saw him, he would get yet again another lecture. Steve on the other hand got in fights so often there was no telling if his injuries were fresh. Luckily, they made it past Bucky's parents without suspicion. They were just about to go into Bucky's room when...

"Hi James! Whoa...what happened to your-" his sister started.

"Shhh" Bucky said bringing a finger to his lips, "C'mere," he motioned her reluctantly to his room. He crouched down to her and began explaining "I was fighting Gil again Becca, but don't tell mama okay?" Rebecca would want to tell her, Bucky thought. After all she was only six..."She'll get all sad and worried," he added, "You wouldn't want that would you?" he tried to persuade.

"No..." Rebecca answered.

"Good," Bucky said pleased, "Can you please go back to your room now?" he asked, smiling sweetly at her.

"Okay...bye" she said hugging him and walking out.

"Bye Becca," Bucky responded hugging her back.

Steve waved, and after she left said "Ya know even if she doesn't tell your ma, she's going to find out at dinner," Steve reasoned. Bucky's lip was sticking out an inch and was bloodied, and his nose wasn't much better. Heck his whole face was a mess.

"I gotta cover it up," Bucky responded.

"There's no hiding it this time," Steve told him.

"Aw, that's exactly what I didn't want ya to say," Bucky responded.


"Boys time for dinner!" Mrs. Barnes shouted up to them.

"Here we go," Bucky said, following Steve to the kitchen.

Just as soon as Buck came to the table Mrs. Barnes asked, "James what happened?!"

"Gilmore Harge again ma...we got in a...fight in an alley by the school," Bucky explained nervously.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to get into fights?!" she asked. "Those boys hurt you, you hurt them. Everyone loses! There is no point!" she added.

"Ya don't get it...They razz me 'n Steve and they don't talk. You can't reason with 'em they just punch. I gotta hold my own," he explained. Mr. Barnes looked at his wife with sympathy towards their son. She shook her head in disappointment. "They're going to be the death of you someday James."

   Her disappointment left Bucky with a pang of guilt. Even though he thought he was right, he was wishing he wasn't when he looked at his mother's face. He let out a sheepish "Sorry ma," and ate the rest of his dinner in silence.

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