all in a day

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I'm after Z
H is after me
And I'm C
If we keep following
Soon there will be nothing

Round and round we go
Starting off slow
And speeding up as we get to know

My friend who knows me
Has been watching us lately
And I didn't mean that to be creepy
But its for my safety

My friend tells me when I go to far
When I fall to hard
My friend is the real all-star
And now here we are

Another character added to the board
But who is my friend playing for

I'm after Z
H is after me
Z is after who
And now we get a new
And this is all in a day
We keep playing the game
But nothing really ever changed
Yet we're running circles
All of us acting dorky like Urkel

My friend who told me whats too far
Is gone
And now I'm alone in the dark
Hoping each move I do isn't wrong

J is after W
H is after me
I'm after Z
Z is after Q
And we're so confused
We don't know what to do
The circle keeps growing
And our feelings keep showing
We can't get out of the holes we dug
The dirt is now mud
I think we're just done
We had enough
I'm glad it was just us

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