Breaking point

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why does it feel every love i find soon leaves

it seems as if it's because of me

as the days go by,to the lord i pray

"how long must i deal with this pain

or dream of her the one whose body was cold...dead

the one whose blood was so young and yet they bled to death

the life within her was strained

and now i live with this eternal pain
why do you see me so strong

i'm weak, i'm stuck here i can't move on
you once lifted me up

but its like its all done

why don't you let me hide my tears

why do you make me face my fears

i'm just a boy

and you,you use me as a toy

the only one i ever see broken is me

why did you make me so weak i can't

let my own soul free

now facing life

and the only weapon i have is a knife

but what reason do i have to win

i minus well give in"

now my heart beats are slow

now is my time to go

i just need you to help me

help me be set free

"trying to help the broken while
fixing myself

but how can i do that when it feels i have no help"

i don't know who i am anymore

the guy you saw or see hit hit the floor

but the guy you saw or see

help me find him please

i don't care who you are what you've been through

i just know i need some one and i'm hoping its you

because "i gave up , there's nothing left for me here

except pain and tears

now i am just a paper in the wind

i believe i have done my last sin

so if anyone cares please send them to me

because i'm already planning how to let my soul free"

now i see why people have killed themselves...

because no one gave them hope , help
its my turn now

and i'm not going to cower

so don't be surprised when you see me hanging from a tree

i just finally set myself free

"i'm tired of drying these tears

tired of hiding in fear

it used to be show no emotion

but now i know all it does is cause commotion

you might bring up love but where in the world is it

at this point do they even give a shit?

will they notice when i'm gone?

because i will tell you now that won't be long"

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