24. Traveling

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Megan Lewis

9:30 am

Everybody sent text messages wishing us good luck. That showed how important this trip was for the new store. I couldn't get distracted and Alex and I had to be on our best behavior. The board that Alex made was in the backseat with us and strapped in. It's our best selling point and if it could convince a group of men with way to much testosterone, it would surely convince Madame Missoni.

During the car ride, we didn't really talk much. We just busied ourselves with work. We weren't unprepared but we were just triple checking everything to make sure everything was where it needed to be. Alex hasn't mentioned anything about that night where I pretty much turned him down. He was cold at first and then all of a sudden went to being friendly. But, the event seemed to fade in his mind when the trip came up. I decided to talk about something because I couldn't stand the deafening silence.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked.

"You know me. I'm always ready." He looked at me and I wonder if he realized the double meaning that had. The only thing that came to my mind was what happened that night in the kitchen and his big hands. I shook the thought.

"Ready for business. Always ready for business." I said and then paused. That sounded even worse. Why does everything sound sexual?!

"We're going to be great. We're going to knock their socks off Megan. It will be a breeze." I nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just going to keep working on this last spec sheet for the men's jacket we added a couple days ago. " He nodded and went back to working on what ever he was working on. Maybe he wasn't even working on anything.

"Hey Megan," he said and I looked at him. He still had his focus on his work. "I talked to Ben, and he told me about your conversation you had at lunch the other day." I gulped hard and continued to look at him.

"I didn't-"

"It's fine. I told him he needed to stay out of it and apologize. You should be hearing from him soon." I smiled and nodded.

We arrived to the airport and Henry got out of the car. He opened the door and Alex stepped out. I grabbed the board and handed it to him. He held it with one hand and stuck his other hand out for me to grab. I took it and stepped out of the car. Henry was smiling the whole time. Alex popped the trunk and Henry went to grab a bag.

"I got it Henry, don't worry." Alex grabbed our suitcases and closed the trunk. We went to check our bags outside and Alex explained for them to be extra careful with the board. He didn't really explain, he flirted a little and the girl was puddy in his hands. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. We started walking towards security.

"I can't believe you," I said while a smile made its way on my face.

"What did I do?" He asked trying to sound innocent.

"Getting your way by flirting?" He smiled and shook his head.

"I was not flirting. I'm just naturally charming. I was born that way. You should know this by now." He had that smile on his face that gets me. I tried to keep a smile from forming on my face but it didn't work. I rolled my eyes to try and show him I wasn't falling for that trick.

"Oh what ever Alex," I said and went back to my tablet. If I hadn't busied myself with work, we would keep talking, and the tension would build between us and then something would happen. It was like he was gasoline and I was a lighter. Every time one of us get close to each other, there is an explosion.

We went to go sit down in the waiting area for our flight.

Almost an hour later we were boarding the plane and we got on first. I carried my pursue as my carry on. We started walking onto the plane and I always liked looking down right before you step on the plane so I could see the ground. I don't know why though.

We walked through the door and started walking down the aisle. Alex stopped and motioned for me to go first and I looked at him funny. He was pointing in the first class section.

"These are our seats?" I asked. He looked and me and laughed.

"Look at your ticket." I looked down and it said C1. I looked up and it said C1, C3. I had a shocked look on my face and then I sat down. "First time?" He asked referring to being in first class. I nodded. He's going to say something snarky. "You're going to love it." I smiled. He put his laptop bag underneath the seat and sat down.

Everyone else boarded and the flight attendants went over the safety rules. I was paying attention until I saw Alex grab the armrest in between us. I looked at him and it looked like he was meditating. I tried to suppress my laugh until the flight attendants were done. After the flight attendants were done I looked over at Alex.

"You don't like flying?" I asked. He breathed in and out.

"It's take off and landing. Other than that I'm fine." His eyes were still closed. I laughed a little while he was taking deep breathes. I sat there for a minute and then the plane started to speed up. We started to get pushed back in our chairs and he clenched the armrest harder. I kinda felt bad so I put my hand on top of his. He instantly looked at me and I just kept a cool smile on my face.

"We'll be fine." I said and then looked forward so I wouldn't have to keep looking at him. I knew he was looking at him but I wasn't going to turn back and look at him.

After we got in the air, we started working again. About an hour later we were done and I was trying to relax. I ordered a drink. I need to sleep. Alex and I haven't said much to each other after me holding his hand. I decided to busy myself by checking our itinerary. We had seven hours to London, then we had a lay over for two hours and then an hour and a half to Milan.

Every time I tried to look out the window, I saw his profile reflected looking down at his phone. It was a nice profile. His nose was a good size and his lips were so nice. It was really cute how he pursed them when he's concentrating or thinking. I shook my head and my body kinda shook as well.

"You cold?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No I'm fine." I said and put my hands in between my legs to keep them warm. An attendant started walking by and he reached his hand up. She quickly walked by other people who needed her and came straight for him.

"How can I help you sir?" She asked with a big grin on her face.

"I need a blanket and a pillow." He said with a small smile.

"Of course. I will be right back." She went straight to the back and came back out in ten seconds flat with a fresh blanket and pillow. She handed it to him and he gave it to me.

"Thank you so much." She smiled a little smaller this time and walked away. I laughed while putting the pillow underneath my head.

"What's funny?" He asked. I turned towards him.

"That was pretty impressive. It usually takes about ten minutes to get things from flight attendants." He chuckled.

"It's the charm." I smiled and put the blanket over me.

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