I started imaginin' what Chivonn might have cooked for dinner. Her in that apron... Man, I fucked up...

And just as I was startin' to feel even lower, this nigga Trey had to open his mouth again.

"My girl gon' be trippin' if I'm workin' any later. Felix, you know how that is."

"Chyea..." Felix added as he gathered up his things too.

"You got a girl, Mike?" Trey asked tossing his laptop in his bag.

"Uh... I think I do." I answered slowly.

Felix and him both cracked up at me. "Whatchu mean you think?" Trey asked still laughing at my sorry, pathetic lookin' ass. I couldn't even crack a smile and when they saw I wasn't laughin' wit them, they quit real fast. Though we done spent all day together, I just met these dudes, don't consider them no friends of mine yet. So, I didn't feel like openin' up and sharin' nothin' personal.

"Nah... I'm good, though." I said wavin' my hand at them. We said our goodbyes and I pulled out my phone and texted Camilla. I told her to be waitin' for me outside at ten. Sure 'nuff she was there on time. I got in on the passenger side and sighed loudly thinkin' bout where I should go. I was scared to go back cross town, didn't want to face Chivonn....

"Long day at work, Mr. Jackson?" she asked. I glanced over at her and she was still lookin' as fresh as she did at eight this mornin'. I just shook my head.

"Nah... went by super quick, yo. Just take me to the apartment." Fuck... let's just get this over with. She nodded and drove off in that direction. She didn't speak a word to me the entire way there. She parked right beside Chivonn's car.

"Stay here til I give you the signal. I might be gettin' kicked right back out." I said flashing a peace sign at her.

She looked at me, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Um... ok."

I got out of the car and walked up to the door slowly. I pulled the spare key out of my pocket and let myself in. Shit, felt like I was an intruder in the place I had grown to comfortably call home. The lights were all off. It was quiet all except for the murmur of voices back in Bryan's room. Davea whinin' and Bryan shushin' her tellin' her it was bedtime. See Uncle Michael'd be readin' her a story right now.

It was pitch black up the stairway, no light comin' from under Chev's door. She was probably out cold by now. I should be safe... I turned in the doorway and gave Camilla the peace sign and she began to back out of the parking lot.


My eyes shot open to the sound of the front door closing. I sat up in bed throwing my covers to the side and turning on my bedside lamp. I listened for a moment longer to make sure I wasn't hearing things and then I heard the refrigerator door open. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was just after ten thirty. Not that late...

I got out of bed and tip toed across my room and down the stairs. I heard the microwave door open and shut followed by a few loud beeps and a quiet curse. I walked slowly around the corner and peered into the kitchen. Michael was standing at the counter with his back to me. The microwave was humming away.

I cleared my throat and his posture suddenly sprung upright and he spun around. He held the deer in headlights expression for a few seconds, before turning away from me again without a word. He quickly opened the microwave at the last second to prevent it from beeping loudly again.

"You're alive." I said in just above a whisper. I didn't want to chance making a bunch of noise and waking the kids up.

"Yep." He answered vaguely as he stirred his macaroni and cheese up with a fork, steam rising from it. Satisfied, he sat down at the table facing me, but kept his eyes on his plate.

"So...what happened? You couldn't call me?"

"Didn't think you wanted to hear from me..." he muttered before shoving a fork full in his mouth and then washing it down with the glass of water next to him. He cleared his throat quietly before taking another bite.

I scoffed. "I am disappointed... but I was still worried sick. You could have at least had the decency to tell me you were ok."

"I am ok." He said glancing up at me for a moment. I stood there with my arms crossed. He looked defeated... done... like he had just given up. I know I told him we'd be done if he did what he did, but... I love him. And apparently no matter how bad he fucks up, I'm always going to. I moved towards the table and sat down diagonally from him.

"Michael...I... I know what you're probably thinking...and..."

He lifted his eyes from his plate and met mine. "Just let me know what's up, Chivonn. Is we done?" I jerked my head back slightly, stunned by the way he just laid it out like that. After all his talk about how much he loved me, how crazy he was about me... all the possessiveness. It was like all that went out the window and he just didn't give a fuck anymore. Then guess what... I don't either.

"Yeah, Michael. We're done. The path you've chosen is obvious to me and I refuse to live like that. I'm moving in with Risa in January." I stood up almost as quickly as I had sat down and prepared to leave the room. I heard him suck in a sharp breath and my body tensed up as if preparing for the rage. I glanced over my shoulder before walking out of the kitchen. He blew the breath out slowly and just continued to eat without another word.

I held myself together long enough to make it upstairs to my bedroom where I collapsed on my bed, crying as quietly as I could into my long body pillow holding it close to me.

The Roommate from Hell (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now