Applewood Stables: Mallory's Birthday Pony

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"Alright! Alright! I'm getting up you stupid alarm clock!" said Mallory, getting out of bed and pulling on her favourite jodphurs, her brown boots and purple jumper. She ran downstairs to find her mum sitting at the breakfast table with lots of files around her.

"Er, mum, shouldn't you be at work," said Mallory.

"Oh, no, Mal. I took the day off. I have. a very important thing to tell you," Mrs Crawfield replied.

" Can it wait? I have to go to pony club soon,"

"Good! I have to take you to see your treat at the stables anyway! Come on, eat your breakfast!"

Mallory shoved her breakfast down her throat and ran to the car.

"Close your eyes...." Said Mrs Crawfield, leading Mallory into the stables. "Ta-da!" She said as she lifted off the blindfold.

Mallory was amazed at what she saw. A beautiful grey Connemara stood infront of her, with a huge sign above that said in bold letters: HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY!

"Oh.My.God! Is she mine?" Said Mallory, stroking the connemara's silky, white mane.

Her mum nodded and laughed as her daughter danced around the stables.

"What do you want to call her?" Mrs Crawfield asked.

"Hmmm... I'll ask Iz and Allie," said Mallory.

"You can ride her today in the games if you want,"

"Really? Is she broken in and does she have tack?"

"Yes, all you need to do now is saddle her up and show her off!"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 31, 2011 ⏰

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