Chapter 7

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*next day*
I dragged myself out of bed and I threw on black leggings, a gray long sleeve v-neck, and white hightop converse. I brushed my teeth and my hair which I then threw up in a messy bun. I was too lazy to put my contacts in so I decided to wear my glasses to school for the first time in forever. I didn't bother with makeup today. I honestly don't give a fuck what I look like at the moment.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked downstairs. The kitchen was empty for some reason. Usually my mom is down there waiting for me with breakfast. Oh well she's probably asleep. I left her a note telling her that I was leaving.

I grabbed a pop tart for the road and walked out the door.

As I drove to school I remembered the events of yesterday. Nash is such a jackass. I can't believe him. Actually no---I can. I can't beileve me. This is my fault, i was an idiot....I let him in. He can't change, and he won't change.

When I arrived at school I parked my car and walked to my locker with my head down, hoping I don't run into him or Shelby.

I get to my locker and I see shai waiting for me.

"Hey girl...I heard what happened at yesterday." He sighed.

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's my fault...I should've listened to you, you were right all along." I said.

She didn't say anything. She just pulled me into a warm hug. "Hey wanna come over tonight? We can watch twilight and do nails" her voice sounded more cheery and normal.

"That's sounds great." I half smiled. She smiled back and walked to her first class.

I walked into first period history.

I sat in my normal seat in front of Nash. "Elena." He mumbled. I ignored him. "Elena." He said a little louder.

He kept trying to talk to me the whole class but i kept ignoring him. "Please Elena. Hear me out." He came a little closer and whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He makes me weak. But I can't give in to him. I won't. "Ms gold! Can I use the restroom please?" She nodded and I got out of that class as fast as I could.

To my surprise, Nash followed me out.
"Elena!" He yelled, following me down the hallway. "What!!!" I screamed louder.

"Please...let me talk." He quieted down and moved closer to me.

I didn't say anything. "Give me two minutes." He pleaded.

I sighed. "Please." He said

"Two minutes." I finally spoke. "Elena you got the wrong idea yesterday. That was all Shelby, not me."

"But you kissed her!" A tear started to slip out of my eye but I wiped away as fast as I could. I don't want him to know that he could hurt me.

"I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! I didn't kiss back and I pushed her off of me but you had already ran out." He sighed.

"But...when she poured her slushy on me, you laughed."

"I know and that was an accident. I guess it's just habit. I didn't mean to laugh." He paused.

"Elena I would never intentionally do something to hurt you. Ever....not anymore anyway." He looked down. "Please trust me"

"Oh yeah? Well im not so sure about that." I furrowed my eyebrows. "And If you want my trust, you better earn it." I started to walk away.

"Elena, do you want me to be the bad guy here?" His voice grew louder.

I scoffed. "Nash. You are the bad guy." Just then the bell rang and I ran away to my next class.

Nash's pov

I really didn't mean to hurt her. I care about her. I really do and I would never want to make her feel sad.

But if she can't trust me, and if she really does think im the bad guy...then maybe that's who I should be.

Elena pov

After school I drove straight to shai's house and we watched a bunch of movies, ate pizza and talked about life and random little things for the longest time.

Eventually I realized I forgot to tell my mom I was at shai's. She's probably worried sick.

I check my phone and surprisingly don't have any texts from her. I decided I should call her.

"Hey shai I'll be right back in gonna go to the bathroom." She nodded, looking down, engaged with her phone. I exited her bedroom and walked into her bathroom. Same please I met Nash. Kinda.

I dialed my moms number. It rang but she didn't pick up. Weird. I decided to call my brother.

He picked up on the second ring.

Phone call:
Arlo: "What." He answered.
Elena: "Well hello to you to Arlo."
Arlo: hi. Hey. How are you. Good, how are you. Fine thanks, Okay what do you want Elena.
Elena: are you home?
Arlo: no I have soccer until 9:00 why
Elena: Have you talked to mom recently.
Arlo: umm not since last night.
Elena: you didn't see her this morning? Who drove you to school?
Arlo: it's Tuesday, Kayden and his brother pick me up on Tuesdays remember?
Elena: oh right. Ok. Well I don't have a good feeling about this...I'm gonna go check on the house.
Arlo: ok. Let me know what's up.
Elena: you got it.

End of phone call

I hung up.

I walked back into Shai's room who was laughing at some Twitter post. "Hey shai...uh my mom wants me home I'll see you tmrw."

"Ok. Text me." She said stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

I left her house and ran home as fast as I could.
I unlocked the door and ran inside. All the lights were out. I turned the lights on and walked upstairs.

"Mom?" I called. "Mom??" I yelled. "You home???"

Her bedroom door was open just a crack. I nervously opened it all the way. "Oh my god." Mom!!"

ok guys so I know I've been super absent for a while, but start expecting more frequent updates! I'm gonna try to post two chapters a week. BIG THINGS COMING UP SO KEEP READING!! I hope your enjoying the story and if you are please please please vote so i know. Also make sure to comment so I know how you guys feel about the story! :)) thanks so much for reading!! Love you all💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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