My Life as a High School Killer (BoyXBoy)

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I smiled down at the young boy that was tied and strapped down onto a steel table. He squmered and pulled at the handcuffs. As his wrist starts to bleed. I watched as the handcuffs cut deeper into his skin. As it starts to tear his flesh. I smiled down at his pain. I turn towards my collection of knives picking out the perfect one to get the job done.

So, as you might be wondering who is this awful sick person. Well my name is Justin Kale. I'm a 17 year old high school student. I look like a normal healthy teenager. No one knows what I do at night. No one knows my dark side. I don't like attention so I'm someone who just sits in the back of the classroom without saying a word.

I'm basically alone all the time. I live by myself in a small cabin in the woods. Faraway from any disturbance and far away enough that no one can hear the cries and screams of my victims.

I don't really have anybody who really cares about me. My parents died in a train crash when I was 6. 

After their death I had to live with my drug and alcohol addict uncle. The only person who accepted to take care of me.

But ever since I moved into his dirty trailer. He forced me to be his personal slave. I had to cook, clean, and run stupid errands. He treated me like crap and barely allowed me to eat or sleep and if I misbehave I would get punished.

The punishment only lasted for like 5 minutes. But in those 5 minutes I felt the worst pain as the belt strikes over and over again on my back. Sometimes he burned my skin with his cigarettes.

I had to live with him for 8 years. In those 8 years I suffered. I was close to killing myself until one day something in my mind completely snapped.

It was a cold rainy day in October. I was 13 years old. My uncle was sitting on the couch drinking down his 3rd bottle of beer. I walked over to him and I picked up one of his still hot cigarette butts from the ash tray. I pushed it into his eye.

He screamed in pain as he stumbled around the trailer while knocking over things. I picked up the broken beer bottle that he dropped earlier and used it to slice his neck open.

The blood sprayed everywhere and I enjoyed as I watched him plead and cry for help. 

He finally fell on the floor and I bent down on my knees to be able to look him in the eyes. 

I grinned. "Who's crying now." 

He looked up at me with his eyes full of hate. 

"Fuck you." He said as he coughed up blood. Those were his last words. As his world faded away into pitch black.

I got up and started to pack my belonging. I was going to run away from this living nightmare and start a new life. I went back to my dead uncle and searched through his pockets to find cash. As I found what I was looking for I went out the door without looking back. I didn't want to remember that horrible place.

I left that place without anybody noticing me and I started my journey to my Dad's old cabin that was in Virginia. It took a while to get there since my uncle lived in Texas.

The cabin was empty when I got there. I don't even think anybody knew that it existed. I fixed up the abandon cabin. Made it comfortable and welcoming. But I still wasn't happy. I was finally alone and away from my uncle. But I still wasn't satisfied.

Something was missing. Then I realized what it was. It was making people suffer. I enjoyed watching people in pain. Hearing their desperate cries and watching them beg for their lives.

When I killed my uncle I finally felt happy. I finally realized that killing was a drug for me. I had to do it.

Now, that brings me back to the present. So you might be wondering who is this poor boy that is strapped down and is awaiting his death.

Well his name is Kyle he is 16 years old. He has raven black hair and his eyes are a light blue. He had a crush on me ever since his first day of high school. So it wasn't that hard to bring him here in my death trap.  

I was at a night club which I very much hated. But it was easy to find my victims. I'm usually the one that starts the conversation but Kyle just walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance.

I noticed his attraction towards me. So I agreed. We danced really close to each other. Having our body's touch. Feeling our sweat on each other. I was exhausted so I insisted on going back to my place.

Of course he agreed. I live a hour away from the town. My house is deep into the woods. But Kyle didn't complain. When we first stepped into my house. I offered him water and he accepted it. But what he didn't know is that I added something a little special in his water.

After a few more sips from the water he passed out and that's how Kyle ended up in the position he is in now.

I picked up my saw and did a small cut on Kyle's leg. He screamed in pain and looked at me with pleading eyes. 

I pushed the saw deeper into his leg and his screams grew louder.

I finally push harder and his bone began to snap open. Then his leg fell to the ground and blood dripped down from the metal table. Kyle's screams grew into cries. Kyle knew that he won't survive. He lost the fight in him.

I put down my saw and took off his handcuffs. Kyle looked at me confused but he didn't bother to run because he knew that he wouldn't get too far.

I looked at him. Waiting to see him go straight for the door but instead he laid there waiting for my next movement.

"Now what?" He asked. Trying his best to not show his pain.

I laughed bitterly. But didn't answer his question. Instead I picked up my pocket knife and flipped it open.

Kyle watched me intensely. I smiled as I saw the fear return in his eyes. 

I got closer to Kyle and began bringing my knife closer to his face.

Kyle began to back away but forgotten that he was still on the steel table. He fell down onto the hard cold floor. Kyle screamed in pain. He started to feel drowsy from the loss of blood.

I bent down towards him and started to brush his hair back. 

"You look beautiful when you bleed." I said as I finally pushed the knife into his heart. I stabbed it over and over again. Until I saw the life disappear from Kyle's eyes.

I got up and looked at my masterpiece. I picked up my camera from the table and took a picture of Kyle's lifeless body. I smiled to myself.

"Can't wait for my next victim."


Author's note: so I hope you liked it. I lost inspiration for my other story broken beauty. So I'm starting with a new story. Please comment.

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