I slipped through the back door and put the chain back on the door. The lights were all off downstairs so I walked towards the stairs.

"Where were you?" I stopped in my tracks and felt my body tense up. I turned around and saw Dad sitting in the arm chair looking at me. "Well?"

"I went out back for a little bit" I gulped

"Oh, I didn't know our backyard extended past the fence." The fact that he was so incredibly calm only made it worse. "Nicole, what's going on with you?" He sighed. And there was the sound of disappointment that only made me feel more like shit.

"I wanted to make sure AJ was okay, but since you said you wouldn't take me, I decided to go out myself and make sure he was okay"

"So you honestly thought sneaking out, while you were already grounded would be the best thing?"

"I knew it was bad, but since you took my phone I had no way of knowing AJ was okay"

"Your Mom's or Boarding School?" He said


"I'm letting you choose. That's how nice I am"

"Choose for what?"

"Stop playing dumb, You either go to your moms or you're going to boarding school. If you were able to do this once, I am pretty sure you'll be able to find creative ways to do it again. So until you can get your shit straight, you're either going to your moms or boarding school."

"I'm not going to either, I want to be with you"

"You only want to be with me because AJ is here. Speaking of him, you're not with him anymore."

"Why not? He's nice and treats me right"

"You're 15 and he's 17. Hell No. So since you aren't deciding where you want to go. I'm just sending you to your moms for a good month." He got up and started walking my way. "Good luck with her, you're going to need it" He patted my shoulder and continued walking upstairs.

"Dad, I don't want to go to Mom's!" I yelled after him

'Sucks for you. Start packing, I'm calling her tonight and letting her know. She'll be so happy to have you for a little while." He closed his door. I walked into my room and crashed on the bed on my belly.

~Alvaro P.O.V.~

Now that I know AJ got his gang out here n they setting up a trap house, kinda makes me want to find out where it is...

*Phone Convo*

Chewy: Aye What's up

Me: You n Me, we finna go on a mission

Chewy: No

Me: Why the fuck not? You always bein a bitch n not comin with me to do missions

Chewy: That's what you got your boys for. Renee ain't feelin good

Me: Oh my god. Give her some tylenol and come over!

Chewy: She 6 months along, you think Imma leave her?

Me: Fine. Bring her here, Bailey will help and you and me go on a mission. It concerns the gang

Chewy: Get Marc to go!

Me: Nah we end up getting distracted, you n me we goin, Imma be there to pick you both up, we drop Renee off and we go

Chewy: Dammit Alvaro. Fine.

Me: That's the spirit!

Chewy: Fuck You.

A Thug's True Love [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now