I curled my hands into tight fists, digging my nails into my skin. Seconds later she was stumbling back, blood oozing out of her nose and dripping onto the ceramic floor. People got up and practically ran to her aid, comforting her and giving me stares, telling me to get out, that I was unwanted. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself down, but wanting to scream. All they saw was me punching her, but not what trigged it off. It wasn't like they would care anyway, they would probably agree.

"What happened here?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me, I closed my eyes and sighed. I was in big trouble. I slowly turned around, seeing Harry standing by the door, wearing skin tight black jeans and a navy blue plaid button up shirt, a plastic bag in his hand. I watched him as he made his way over, his eyes travelling around the suddenly quiet shop. His eyes set on my figure, realization spreading across his face, knowing that whatever happened, I was involved. I was about to speak and try and explain when someone did the job for me.

"That crazy girl punched her; she's just like her dad, a monster!" People mumbled in agreement with the middle aged woman that was crouched next to the brunette girl that was now sitting on the floor, sobbing loudly. I turned to them, my anger and sadness taking over my rational thinking; I needed to get my anger out. I groaned loudly before pushing the till over the edge of the front desk. It fell down to the floor only a few inches from where the girl was crouched, she jerked her legs back to prevent it from falling onto them. The wires connecting it to the card machine ripped apart, causing a small spark. The cheaply made machine broke into pieces as it bounced off the floor, the small amount of money made fell across the tiles. I took a step back, accidently stumbling into Harry, staring at the mess I had caused. Everyone's stares burning through me as I bit my lip, fighting back the lump formed in my throat, the tears threatening to stream down "I'm not a monster, you people are fucking messed up." I said, my voice quavering, knowing that my attempt to defend myself was a complete waste, my actions clearly proving otherwise.

"Scarlett," I heard Harry say in an angry whisper, I slowly turned around to face him, knowing that this would surely come up in my interrogation tomorrow. He dug his hands into his pocket and pulled out his keys "wait for me in my car, it's a black range, you can't miss it." he said sternly, his voice emotionless. I had nothing else to do, I wasn't planning on going home now and it was very clear that people didn't accept me here. I nodded, my voice failing me as I tried to say something. He dropped the keys into my extended hand and took a step back, clearing the way. I pushed the door open and found his car, unlocking it with the press of a button. As I climbed in, the strong aroma of different perfumes hit me, stinging my eyes slightly. I leaned back against the seat, the soft leather supporting my head. I let a few tears drop as the last few minutes replayed in my head. People's stares and comments, the way I had reacted to them. Me coming here was a mistake.

I heard the door next to me click open before slamming back shut seconds later, I jumped slightly and quickly wiped my tears away before I turned my head, Harry was looking straight forward, his lips forming a frown as he looked for something in the glove box. He rummaged through it, taking a few papers out before locating what he was looking for. He pulled out a pair of sunglasses before placing the papers back, closing the glove compartment and putting the sunglasses on his head.

I had been silently watching, not knowing whether I should thank him or apologize; maybe ask him not to bring it up to my mum. "What did she say to you?" he suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

"What?" I questioned, not exactly sure what he was referring to. I swallowed hard in attempt to get rid of that lump in my throat.

"I'm pretty sure you didn't just lash out for no reason, what did she say?" He clarified, reaching his oddly large hands towards my thighs. I jerked back before realising that he was grabbing his keys off of my legs.

"Nothing." I said, not wanting to recall what made me angry, knowing that it would fire me up again.

"You're already in deep trouble as it Scarlett and this could make it even worse. What did she say?" He wasn't going to let this go, he looked at me with complete determination in eyes, he wasn't going to leave this unanswered.

"She said that..." I started, already getting irritated as the scene replayed in my head, "she said I have to pay more, because I'm a freak." I said, clenching my fists.

Harry nodded before turning away from me, pulling the sunglasses down from his head and shielding his eyes from the bright sun. He ran his hand through his hair in attempt to get it away from his eyes and drove the car off. He turned left and continued straight on. We had both stayed silent during the ride. He was a cop, or at least he was going to be one in the near future. And he was on my case, meaning anything I say could be used against me; it's not just running away that could land me in trouble, this issue was a whole lot deeper, and way more twisted that anyone, even me, could handle. The best thing to do is for me to stay silent, speak carefully, and try and stay out of trouble until it all dies out.

"Thanks." I said, hastily opening the car door, eager to get out. When the door refused to budge I looked towards Harry, who to my surprise wasn't there. I was taken back when the door swung open, Harry standing by the end of it.

"Child lock, I've had a few criminals in that car, and a few of my cousins," he informed me, I nodded, suddenly aware of the fact that I had sat where a murderer or a rapist could have been sitting. I shuddered at the thought. "Well, be at the station tomorrow." Harry stated before starting to make his way around the car.

"I'm not coming," I blurted out, I cursed myself at my stupidity, now he was going to make sure that I'm there "I mean, I'm busy, I need to um- mow the garden, it's a jungle back there." I nodded as I attempted to make an excuse, clearly failing miserably as Harry had an amused smile on his face, we didn't have a garden.

"I'm sure that the jungle can wait," he said, his eyes travelling down my body. I caught on what he was hinting upon and felt my cheeks flush; before I could answer back he continued "If you don't come then everyone will think you're hiding something, are you?" He asked, opening the driver's door.

I shook my head "I'm not," I gulped "I really am not." I repeated, trying to convince both of us of that statement. I wasn't so sure myself.

"Well see tomorrow then," he gave me a smile, showing off his dimples, his eyes hidden behind the expensive looking sunglasses. He got into the car, shutting the door behind him before backing it away from the pavement. He looked at me for a second and I suddenly felt angry at him, he gave me a look of sorrow; he felt bad for me. I had nothing better to do that stick up my middle finger at him, hating the fact that him or anyone would feel sorry for me, I did not need someone's compassion.

Harry's reaction to me flipping him off was quite surprising, he simply gave me a grin before doing exactly the same, seconds later he sped down the road, disappearing as he turned back into town.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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