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Man, it feels great starting the second book. Don't forget I have few surprises in store for this book. New characters, monsters, and battles as well. Oops! Looks like I just spoiled it. My bad. This first chapter is going to Looooooooooong. Let's get this thing started shall we :) :D

*Where, What, When, Why, and How*

I open my eyes. I am under a bridge, laying on a beach full of rocks and pebbles. A few yards away from me was a running river. Wherever I was it was pouring with rain. I try to sit up, but every inch of my body stung with pain. So I slowly tried to sit back up again. But it didn't work. I crawl towards the concrete wall of the bridge. I rested my head against the wall. The gash had reopened on my forehead. Making my hair sticky with blood.

Where am I? What happened?

Suddenly a rush of emotions, and memories flooded my like a tidal wave. Images of Kasidee turning into dust. So much anger took over me. Nick's pleading face, begging me to take his hand. I shake out the memories. Begging to forget his face.

'You don't need them You don't need your friends.' Said a voice in my head. 'Because of them your sister is dead.'

"Get out of my head!" I yell holding my temples. Over the sound of cars beeping on the bridge and the river nobody could hear the screams of agony and pain.

Back at Camp Half-Blood


I was wallowing in my sadness in my dark cabin. It was peaceful, quiet. Away from all of the people who hate me. Will probably hates me. That's probably why he left camp. I was the one who encouraged Autumn to go save her sister. The only thing that was in my cabin with me was a skeleton Rat. He was the only friend I had apparently.

He started gnawing on my black sweater sleeve.

"What do you want?" I ask it.

It continued to gnaw on my jacket. Why did I expect it to answer anyways?

"Do you need a friend?" I ask it. It stopped chewing and stared at me with it's soul less black eyes. And did one simple nod.

I sit on the edge of my bed. I point at the cabin floor. And swirl my finger in a circular motion. A rat skull and the rest of it's bones popped out of the ground. My rat hopped on my shoulder as I walk over to the skull and bones lying on the floor. I hold the bones in my hand and breathe 'life' into it. Instantly the skull and bones came together and made a skeleton. My rat hopped off my shoulder, and the the new rat in my hands both began to chase each other around on the cabin floor.

Commotion from other campers outside startled the rats and they scurried away under my bed.

"What is going on out there?" I say to myself.

It melt into the shadows and appear in the large crowd of demigods.

They looked up or pointed at Half- Blood Hill. The golden Pegasus from the stables. The night when Will left camp. Two demigods including Will hopped off of the tired Pegasus. The other boy wore the face of Heartbroken person. Trust me I know the look. The girl showed no expression whatsoever. No Autumn, she is nowhere to be seen. She wasn't with them. Will had the saddest look on his face. That face immediately killed all of the skeleton butterflies in my tummy. It can't be true. Autumn can't be dead. I don't feel her presence with the dead souls trudging around the Underworld in despair. It was all my fault. If I hadn't encouraged her to go on quest to save her sister. She would still be here. And Will would be happy again.

{2}Autumn the Demigod: Legacies of OlympusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora