Possession of the Alpha (Rouge on campus)

Start from the beginning

I sighed in relief,my breathing still rapid from my panic. I suddenly became very aware of the sound of laughter behind me,I turn around to see people pulling faces and giggling at my sudden appearance. I smile nervously and then walk towards the teacher sitting at the front of the already crowded class. He smiled up at me "you must be Hazel jones" he whispers,I nod and he points towards an empty seat at the back of the class. I smile gratefully and quickly shuffle towards my seat,ignoring the seductive looks and wolf whistles the guys were giving me. Don't get me wrong I liked that they obviously found me attractive but as Mr Thomas was still not teaching I was not going to respond. Knowing my luck people would hear me and then I'd just get even more embarrassed than I already was. I took my seat and pulled out my pen and note pad,literature was probably my worst subject back at my old school so I wanted to take some notes and hopefully improve slightly. Not that it would matter,I'll probably be dead by the end of the day so won't have to worry about my overall average. My wolf growled at me again,she really wasn't a fan of my sense of humour and honestly I didn't blame her.

Mr Thomas began and I suddenly heard someone whispering my name. Well when I say my name I mean the name they had seen fit to give me.

"Psssst baby" I reluctantly turned to face the direction the voice was coming from,a blonde boy sat smirking at me. He was good looking but he was also human,don't get me wrong I have nothing against them but I could never date one. It's too complicated to tell them about you being a werewolf,they usually don't take it too well. I decided a little harmless flirting couldn't hurt anyone and this guy was hot,so I went for it. I smiled flirtatiously at him,making him groan in approvement.

"Is your dad a cement mixer? Cos your making me hard" he whispered seductively,I shivered ugh! Gross! Really cheesy chat up lines? I nod and then turn away sharply,I take back what I say about flirting never hurting anyone because after what he just said thats 10 years therapy right there!

For the rest of the class I sat silently pretending to take notes,but really I was fretting about this so called Alpha Parker. My mom had warned me and I had failed to comply,I was now a target and I had also angered the wolves that surrounded me earlier. They probably told him everything,what I looked like,what I was wearing,not that any of that mattered,when a rouge crossed your path you could smell them from a mile away. I was toast.

The bell rang,interrupting my thoughts and making me jump about ten feet into the air. I grabbed my bag and sprinted towards the door,literature was a double period and I now had a free one. I ran out the door desperate to find somewhere I could hide for an hour,without being found. My breathing starting becoming rapid and I could practically feel the authority floating down the halls. I looked around desperately for a closet or something to hide in. My nose twitched as I smelt him and my wolf began hopping up and down excitedly. The alpha was close.

I ran up the hall pushing past people who were slowing me down,I felt bad but my life was on the line here,I'm sure they'd get over it. My wolf was still running around excitedly and I couldn't understand why. We were about to die! I know she's had a rough time being my wolf and everything but was she really that desperate to die?

"Go back!" My wolf purred begging me to turn towards the alphas scent. I ignored her and ran into an empty class room, grabbing desks and chairs and pulling them roughly against the door.

Right I should be safe in here for an hour.

Joshua's P.O.V

"Alpha, a rouge has trespassed onto our territory. We surrounded her this morning but she managed to get away" Sam informed me. I felt my body beginning to shake in rage at the thought of a rouge daring to set foot in this school. I had already had to deal with 3 yesterday and was really beginning to tire of having to kill on a daily basis. A growl erupted from my chest "where is she now?" I hissed,turning to Sam.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now