Chapter 7 The nightmare before Gems

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                     It was Thanksgiving, it was like Halloween wasn't so long ago. Also when my mom said in two weeks she was going to leave, it was THREE weeks. It was horrible but she went back home to prepare a big thanksgiving party and she asked for me to bring Lapis. I was thinking about asking her out after the party, but I'm kinda nervous I hope she doesn't reject me. Also the drunk guy from Halloween, he alright but Lapis broke his leg and neck.
I finally woke up, I was staring at the ceiling and it was freezing and It was 11:30p.m. I rose from bed and grab a hoodie that was my favorite color. "Why is it FREEZING!!!" You echoed in the room. You exit the bedroom and walked down the cold floor, you then made it into the kitchen and open the fridge. "I really need to get back to work...." You sighed, you then grabbed milk and cereal along with and than a spoon. You the sat the the table and noticed something was missing, "what am I missing" you said putting you hand on your head. A couple minutes pass and you finally realize, "Oh a bowl, damn I'm stupid today...." You got out of your seat and open the cabinet and seen bowls and plates in front of you. You grabbed the bowl and headed back to the table, you sat up straight and pour in the cereal and than the milk. You took a couple of bites and lean in and put your elbow on the table and rest you hand on you cheek. You realize the milk needed to be in the fridge you rose up quickly and put the milk into the fridge. "Damn what's going on with me today, I hope this isn't bad luck...... I haven't done anything bad to anybody, please don't attack me karma" you said to yourself upset.

"I need to stop talking to myself....." You sighed, You continue to eat you cereal and finished it in a couple of minutes. You then rest your lip on the bowl and drank the milk and got a milk mustache. "Milk mustache! YES!!!" You licked it off, you then clean after yourself and head to your room and changed. You looked outside and noticed it was raining, "wow it's raining hard and I didn't even noticed...." You said to yourself. You then turn the heater on because it was freezing, you then thought of Lapis, "Gems can't get sick right?...." You didn't know how to answer the question so you then went to your living room and sat down and watched Tv while snuggling a blanket shivering. "NO DEN SAVE SAN PLEASE" you shouted not wanting for "San" to die.

"Supernature is (amazing/Stupid)" you said talking to yourself, the bell than ranged and you got up with the blanket wrap around you, "Who is it" you question the person and looked out the door hole. "Cui?......" You opened the door and stared at her silently. She smiled at you, " Hey (Y/N) i haven't seen you in forever......" She said awkwardly,
You replied, "Well you left me to travel the world". She had her hand around her arms and was shaking, she then asked "
"Can I come inside..... Please" you weren't cruel so you let her in and closed the door. "Why are you here? Not to be rude I'm just curious" you asked her, she replies "I miss you, I shouldn't had ever left you....." She then walked and sat on the coach and you sat on the other coach, "Well I move on, what you did to me was cruel, are you here to visit" you asked her. She was quiet, "yes...... I didn't expect to see you here" you then stared at your hand rubbing against the other.

"Well I live here now" you told her, she was surprised, "oh that cool, I remember when we were together you gave me this bracelet.... It was our forever love bracelet since you couldn't afford a ring" she giggled. You wanted to forgot about her, you just replied "yeah when I was in love with you" she stared at you silently, that was a pause but she broke the silent. "I also remember we made out on your parent couch..... They still don't know do they?" She giggled, you the stared at her with a serious face and replied "Why did you really come here for?"
She than began to cry, "I-I miss you..... I been lonely and I don't have anybody anymore..... Please take me back or can we be friends at least" she then grabbed you shirt and cried on you. You were shocked, you never had somebody want you that bad. You hugged her and said "we can be friends still, but I'm in love with somebody else" 

Ex girlfriend Cui POV (point of view)
While I faked cry and (Y/N) hugged me back Cui then grabbed (Y/N) phone from (Y/N) pocket and tried to look for any contact name of lapis. "Ugh.... (Y/N) is so stupid, whatever I can make him a experiment for my project I'm working on"
She the put it back into (Y/N) pocket. She then wiped her tears after hearing you saying that you guys were friends.
"Thank you.... It means so much" I then faked smiled. I then hugged you and smirk while my face was seen by you.
"This is going to be fun" I said in my mind.
I then saw lapis from the window and I then headed close to (Y/N) I then kissed him and I'm sure Lapis seen.

Your POV
    Cui kissed you, you were shocked. Lapis broke my window and water punch Cui and me. She was tearing up, her eyes look like a small waterfall raining out of her eyes rapidly. I was shocked, "LAPIS WAIT ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT WAS" I shouted and she then filled the living room with water, you thought you were going to drown in her tears.
"I'm so stupid I let her kiss me" you thought and you began to tear up and she saw, she didn't care she just screamed and her small fangs from her teeth shown. It was so loud It was very "Supernatural"

(Yes I just made a Supernatural joke *laughs alone then crys because I suck at making jokes* -Black_Cat_11)

You then cup your ears, the crystal gems came and pearl picked me and Cui up and took us somewhere safe, (In front of your house)
"Lapis!!!!!!" You shouted sobbing, Cui then grabbed your hand and you pushed her hand away. You then saw Lapis get squish to death by Amethyst and her gem get caught by her. "Hah I got this one Pearl, I guess I'm better than you" she laughed eating a donut. Pearl just took swipe the gem from amethyst and laughed, "I doubt that" she then walked away but you ran to her and asked "P-Pearl.... That's your name right" Pearl stopped and replied "yes what do you want... human" you then saw the gem and you looked back up at her, "M-My name is (Y/N) Lapis was my friend"
You noticed she was surprised, "Oh your (Y/N) I heard so much about you.... From Steven" You were surprised "L-Lapis talked about m-me?" You said crying still. "Yes?" You then replied "Did Lapis die....." Pearl than laughed, "No we just turned her back into her true form in a couple of minutes she will regenerate but since she inside of this bubble she can't"
You then immediately replied "Let her come back then" Pearl gave you a nervous face "hah.... Well I can't she out of control she needs to calm down for now" she then teleports away with the crystal gems.
"Wait I have more questions......" You said to nobody, Cui then laughed "You really are stupid you know that right, all you do is annoy people and that's why they leave you" you then turned at her with a serious face, "Are you sure about that, Who was the one who mean to everybody for no reason! And when your sad you blame it on me! And I alway deal with your Bullcrap!!!!!" Cui just stared at your angry face "Thats your problem" you then got angry and was about to punch her for being a cruel person. She then tear up and begged "NO NO please I'm sorry"
You then replied "at least I don't cry like a Bitch" you walked away.

(I'm sorry I was just trying not to cuss but I had to I'm sorry but that the first bad word in this book

I hope you enjoy!!! I don't know if you guys noticed but I changed all my book covers and improve them more.
Lapis X reader is still the same picture but I just edited it more but I hope you like all the covers I recreated.
My favorite new cover is The four survivors.

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