2 ~ Trench-Coated Angel

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Castiel took the coat off of the back of his chair and slipped it on as the bell rang for the end of the day. He didn't bother to tie the waist or button the buttons.

"Dude," said another boy. "Are you seriously wearing that over-sized trenchcoat?"

Castiel furrowed his brow. "Of course." Then he slung his messenger bag on. The boy scoffed and headed out of the door. Castiel followed behind. Now he had to go back to the temporary headquarters that Heaven had set up. This was his least favorite part of the day.

He stopped right outside of the doors and students shuffled past. He looked down at his open coat. He grabbed one of the ties at the side skeptically, before sighing and letting it drop.

He took a step and then looked up, which was obviously a mistake, because he slammed into someone. They both grunted, and stumbled back.

"Son of a-" Castiel heard the other boy mutter. They looked up at each other, both rubbing their heads.

Castiel's breath caught in his throat. The boy had the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. He also saw the boy's soul, which was strangely bright.

They locked eyes for a moment, before the other boy coughed and looked away. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Sorry, uh..?"

"Ca-" Castiel started to say, but he caught himself. "Jimmy. I'm Jimmy."

"Okay, Ca-Jimmy. I'm Dean." He smiled.

Castiel was frozen, before he regained consciousness and nodded awkwardly. "Sorry for bumping into you."

"Nah, it's okay-"

"Dean!" came another voice. Dean turned and shouted back,

"Coming, Sammy!" He turned to Castiel. "Gotta go. See you later, I guess." And he ran towards the younger boy.

Castiel blinked a few times. What had just happened. That boy, Dean, his soul..it's so bright! And his eyes...

Castiel shook his head and continued walking towards where the headquarters were. The school was empty now, he was the only one left.


It only took him about a minute to get to the headquarters. He just had to drop his bag off in a secret place where he could retrieve it the next day, and teleport to the abandoned warehouse where the angels had subsequently placed HQ.

Castiel grabbed a handle and yanked it to the right, grunting. The large door creaked. He walked in. He swung his hand and the door shut again.

The warehouse was empty. He stood there for a moment, looking around, waiting. He took another step, before-

"Castiel," said a rough voice behind him. He turned.

"Uriel," Castiel said. Uriel had taken the vessel of an older-looking African-American man. Another thing Castiel wondered was how other angels chose their vessels.

"Do you want me to ask you how your first day at school was, or ask the statistics?" Uriel huffed.

Castiel groaned internally. Uriel was obviously in a bad mood, which was never good. "It's going fine," he said. "I've seen the souls of most of the students."


"And.." He hesitated. "There are none that stand out. Nothing is clear yet." He swallowed nervously, hoping Uriel wouldn't notice. Lying is a crime to the angels.

Uriel raised an eyebrow. He glared at Castiel.

"I'm still your superior," Castiel said quickly, before Uriel could open his mouth again.

Uriel sighed and nodded. "That's my problem," he muttered. "Being bossed around by a little kid."

The trench-coated angel clenched his teeth. "When will you and the others ever accept me? I know I'm the younger one, but God has chosen me to carry out his will-"

"Yet we still do not know what that is," Uriel snapped.

"God works in mysterious ways," Castiel said slowly. "You out of all of us should know that."

There was a whoosh, and he was gone. Uriel was alone.


Castiel sat on a park bench, surrounded by a small field fenced in by trees. Flowers and bushes lines the outer edge. There was a man flying a kite a little ways away, and he didn't even notice the angel.

"Father," he said. "I know you won't come to me, but I found that this is the easiest way for me to get to you."

He sighed, and continued. "My mission isn't going well. I haven't seen any signs-"

You've seen the Winchester boy, said a voice in his head. It was Joshua, speaking for God.

"What?" Castiel said, confused. "Who-"

He stopped when he realized who Joshua was talking about.

"You..you mean the green-eyed one?"

Yes. I know you've seen his soul. Now tell me that isn't a clue?

Castiel sighed and thought. "Yes, I-I suppose it is. What would you like me to do?"

Nothing. A pause. You'll see it when it comes to you, Castiel. Don't force it.

That was the last he heard from Joshua.

So Castiel sat, in his own version of heaven, wondering about this Winchester boy and his beautiful green eyes.


I know the whole "Joshua talking for God in Cas's head" thing is kind of weird, but it's just for effect x3 It makes the story a little smoother.

Thanks for reading!


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